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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Remember London?

I love London
I love London
with you
by neon

It's where we
fell in love
not lust
but lust
enough to trust
in two

The falling-in
over delicate patisserie
gilded by snowy sucre
sliding off Fortnum & Mason platery
sticky fingers

The kiss-
Oxford Street
tumbling masses
oblivious to
suave tweed
lapel livery
like a Dior poster boy


I taste the air
around my lungs,
reaching for divinity

a lone sparrow
that carries
a sacred missive,
in a perfect language

words that spoken together
stir hearts as one,
bringing all
to a place of knowledge
but traveling fathoms,
only ever touching
on the profound

(too much too soon)

Augurs will pronounce
peace to multitudes,
as in the opened wings
of a dove,
the first scribe of truth
lets one feather fall


In grief we find strength through tears
And we build memories with our smiles
Each day shadows give way to light
And we remember and cherish laughter
So do not embrace sadness today
But rejoice for what has been
And as time passes so will pain
Leaving the essence of who we are

I Couldn't Help Myself, So I Helped You...

It was within his power
He’d trained for all of this
He had the means to stop it
but watched them die of evil’s kiss

There were no pleas of mercy
“Kill me, I won’t resist”
Shoot me with your gun
beat me with your fist”

The question nagged at him
Were they really wrong?
How could they be so sure
could he ever be that strong?

To stand and witness for a truth
he wasn’t sure he knew
After all, what they said;
just another’s point of view

Little Boy

I saw this angelic little boy
eyes so blue, big head of blond curls,
which he'll probable bemoan in years to come,
gorgeous smile


Look now, my love, look now,
As candlelight warms the mirror,
The beauty’s in the eyes, dark gulfs to draw unwary lust
To lips delicious with anticipation of another perfect kiss,
Fingers bright on your smooth darkness
Ringlets of your earthen hair
Tickling my nose
And heart

Watch now my love, watch now,
I’ll lift your heavy breasts
With cupping hands to show the curves
Of soft delight time cannot paint
With any familiarity, for wonder
At their warmth and fullness
Catch my breath each time I look

some loving wives

I have seen tougher wives
thank god
I ain't not your hubby


he too deserves some empathy
I love to send him my sympathy

all here are
wonderful poets
self taught mostly

you seem to be at the wrong end
of this elite
this site adds beauty
to all poetry ,
free verse may it be truly
so express yourself
freely friendly and vociferously

to all Indians across the globe.


come to you
pouring like lashed thoughts
hot cedar sweats in steam rooms
tears of a dove falling
like the cloistered frost tanks steam

a hiss in sleep
gathered like a white wound
the bow of wings
in a shroud
while snowflakes nestle

the dark brows like shadows
neath a trestle
usher rush starts
like water
turning in its thoughts

in the cold
secure as the band
of gold

Here and There

Here and There

Byron Bay

The use of excellence,
being all in all.
The magic word pitched just so.
The felt voice knowing where and when.
Such confidence!
Things speeding past,
ragtime to future perfect.

Love and loathing in a fraught paradox.
More hoops to jump through.
A list of words wrapped like a tourniquet,
a holding pattern
of deals and ideals.


The Pacific hangs like a headline
the distant jostle of apartments.


When its all around you, when it surrounds you.

Mouth hid, but it calls you
You wish to explore know her more ,but you ignore.
Her Faint voice calls you.
Don’t look, your fear has made you insecure .
You have got to understand,
You’re not wanted , you’re needed
But for you to take heed of the need,
You have to first bleed.
You choose to resist.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.