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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Oh, love
I know not how
The Heaven’s above
Breathe that vow
In which all life,
Sings without care
Sweetness in the
Palpitating air
When shall it rain
Down from the skies
To relieve the yearning
Of my deepest cries?

Demoneyes Me

eye you say?
oh eye oh eye?

eye have moved forward
only eye can perceive
your eyes flicker toward
sight with eyes all on

eye have taken your eyes
where they belong to

and eye am what they,
your eyes,
yearn to see!

oh eye am in your eyes
you see
as one who lies
and flies with misery

and eye let your eyes
lie with my lies
and eye forget
how shy
how wry
eyes can

Lady in Waiting

With my every aching moment
and with every breath I take,

I can even feel her near me
which I believe is not a mistake !

Because I know in my heart of hearts
she's out there looking for me, too!

The problem we seem to be having is
certainly nothing that's considered, new;

Down every hallway, history has completed
the answers will be lieing somwhere out there;

sometimes the shadows will end-up camoflauging things,
so the playing fields may appear to be unfair

Fragments of Night

Pouring into night
heat and cool rest
to blend

A smell
abstruing sense,
wearing of day,
sliding into an envelope
sent to shadow-lands,
I submerge to rest
in jasmine,
glimmered to dream
slung in a hammock,
bedazzled in the fire of illusion,
I lay in wonder of the cross


the river holds its curve
felt by the urge
this push from the chrome stream dream head
pulse rush race
turquoise slick tile

old grout with its black
lick of mold

with vacant slits of black

torrents of current
stroking tangled darkness
the raceway to the open
the drain to slip away
the room of rain

wishes misted on the glass
heat and steam
and dreams falling fast


My head pounded as if it would break
Pressure in the arteries increased
Were the eyes red, I saw not myself
A move brought piecing shattering pain
Migraine fed on tissues in the brain
Goblins rode across on their chariots
Celebrating putrefying gangs

Down the sympathetic mental strain
Vigor dimed around solar plexus
Tummy stirred up with effluvium gas
Nauseating salty saliva in the mouth
Forced open by gagging the cavity
Not a day of feverish cold wind
When body heat blazed to melting point

breaking china

I remember your hands
and their journeys,
firm and sure
they planed my hips,
and smoothed thighs
to abandonment

you touched my eyes
as if you could see
the visions of want
in my dream,
rimming my lips of the taste
lingering from my last meal,
(sometimes you)

your hands haunt me
like ghosts of themselves
where once, you would need
to feel the pressure of us

you pick me up like fine china
and press my hands to your lips
as if sipping tea

Senryu - Lotto

Okay I bought it
the winning lotto ticket
I can dream can't I

rosy blower

You are that Rose!
that many don't deserve
and when you leave their garden
to them abandon
then alone they will know
the loss of their loving Rose

you are gifted and wonderful,
too many other gardeners
would love to water you...

hope the message is taken
and well understood
many a planter then has cursed oneself
for not having praised and timely too
ere they strayed to plough
to greener pastures
they thought…..

Today not Today...

Today not Today…

They walk in rags of highest order,
these people known to some as serfs.
Heads bowed, tempered not fiercely,
ignoring most of life’s adulations.

Can help be attained or given,
to a sullen language of postures.
As they walk quietly past wrongs,
never asking for hero worship.

Courage is staying alive today,
casualties strewn on streets hourly.
Facing a situation’s reality rarely,
keeps sanity in elapsed consciousness.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.