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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Neopoet Renga 4

Heavenly sovereign
Almighty rightfully rules
Earthly citizen.

Terrene rulership struggle
Blue, red fight for sovereignty

They lost their belief
Because they refuse to see
The goodness inside

Walk now with purest feelings
Of Unconditional love

Till time comes we meet
Those gone before us again
On heavenly grounds

One nation many faces
Come together under God

Snow circles windows
A painting of dawn relief
Night comes in quarters


phony sorrows

the bright eye blazing


the bridge alive

shaking while the boxcars


travel haunted by

I wore my fringe coat leather

a dandy with concerted bounty

in from the lost county

tangled up

intentions charged

the river why

rippled and chilled

deep enlivened

moonlight thrilled

the dark harvest

in the foyer of stars

snowfall footsteps

and sleeping cars


Another High

I tried weed to give me some hype
Wrong bloody stuff gave me second sight.
Now I hear that heroin is so very strong
Nearly drown in the toilet, when rescuing a thong

I can't be for this place at all,
not a bomber, so no virgins call
I saw this toadstool in the wood
It was red with white spots I thought Oh good!

So down I bowed to get a grip
Didn't know it was a frogs trick (Typo)
I grow deadly nightshade in my garden now
I hope Bella Donna is magic somehow

On Poetry's Demise


when the clack of keyboards cease
and pages of unbound books
scattered by the indolent breeze
produce a melancholy dirge

think of all the unwritten words
that remain stillborn in the mind
much like the gilded pheasant
out of the snare and into the fire


A Husband

He takes out the trash, or makes dinner

thinks he's cleaned the whole house

he's not capable of being quiet as a mouse

full of self-praise

himself, he amaze

selective hearing and speech

sometimes hard to reach

never practices what he preach

loveable and incorrigible

he's not interchangable

I am not who I am

how abhorred am I
that bulls
surround me
all my bones
lay scattered—
a chaotic abacus

What is it
I hold?
— hubris?
this stunted form
my crippled spirit

forest creatures
far from me
at my shadow

What is it I own?
—hubris ?
By whose
name do I go?

Which of these am I
how are monsters named?

A Nameless Existence

A nameless existence
Dwells in the castle of ruins.
When thunder strikes,
Mirror falls crashing down.

She begins her soliloquy,
Acting like an radical goddess,
Pretending to gather
Specks of hope
On the dust-covered floor.

Something inside her abode is breaking
She’s losing her grip on
What is left
Of her once a beautiful world.

fairy snowy love

you are so wonderful
the icy flakes must slap
as warmth through your lips
you exchange
through mittens
I guess
though it rained
may have snowed....

your words are outstanding
and befitting too
how I wish I could compose
as lovely poetry as you do.

perhaps this is my maiden attempt
as I traverse across
the snow clad street
side by side
yes of course incognito
tis true....


Someone turned the colour up

I now see
blood roses smiling
and kookaburra laughs
colouring my day

babies breath wrap
the columns of the night
black pearls glimmer
its crystal Windows

Jasmine wafts
flowering the breeze
a touch so soft
its velvet hand does tease

in this bliss
this wonderment
I am thankful

someone came back from the dead



In a mist of mushroom gray
swirls of yellow play
their yellow mellow melodies.
and in a sea of poppy red
I contemplate when I’ll be dead
but I’m so stoned
it matters not
Pass the hookah and the pot.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.