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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


bolt from the blue

boltish bluish
what do you say
of bolts

where from heaven
they like missiles are fired
where on earth is it not a blue circle
the sea
the horizon
distant ocean
the Nile
the nails
all indicate the bluishness of creation
soft serene calm
also inter woven with a tinge


The monster speaks
my humour reeks
outward bile leaks
somewhere it peaks
downward it streaks
apologise, I'm meek

Hot Daze

Today so hot so hot so hot
I lay in bed and thought,
Get up? Not.
Allowing the warm breeze to caress
My naked body without stress
I had some dreams I will not share
Though you know that I would dare.

My epitaph will be, I promise
“I’m glad I didn’t spend
more time at the office”

Oh; Beware!

Oh; Beware!
The scandalousity of the acidicly,
addictively, seductiveness;

that surrounds the basic winter of your malcontent!

cannot be defined by words
from the skies of this dimension;

yet that same and exact dimension possesses the finesse
to coerce
your breathing inside the clouds to ease

and believe in a comfort, from a language of fools!

the plight

of the sorrowfully motivated people.

There can never
be any gain from a pain that prefers to leave....

A Journey

Out of the thousands of physical miles.
Comes a thought,
The thought crossed the time and distance.
Faster than light.

Held within that thought is a woman,
That has been all that a woman could be.
Then some.

I walked the dusty path and peered into her ways.
In there was a mother, who's light was a beautiful blue.
This is the best of all colours for a light to be.

I shielded my eyes
Lest I should take some of that light myself.
This would garner my own Spirit’s ways.

White Sage

Of all the creatures that
have crossed the page,
my favourite of all
is the White Sage

Passing through time
from magic sands,
it was gifted her Story
went through the lands

From trails of snails
and the twitter of birds,
nature alone
passed on the word

Her beauty does shine
and challenge the light,
the twinkle of eye
glows sapphire at night

A gown flowing free
of golden hue,
and the cord at waist
a rainbow of blues

Point Omega

Point Omega
(to Don Delillo)

The mind sees through scaley eyes
gelatinous atoms inside are oozing
flinging electrons into others, lazily
rapid fireflies colliding.....sparks

consciousness is weary, grown sphinx-like, tired
The eternal experiment has failed again
it's designs fall to the will
of the pack
gold verticle eyes point the gene of destruction

You Should Sleep. I Should Do A Lot of Things.

There are times that I am not supposed to be here.

I should be sitting on your lap
Telling you about the dream I had in gym class
Or maybe just kissing you

I should be tangled in your blankets
Swimming around pillows
Trying to find you

I should be feeling something more
Than the hollow ring of the bell in me
That resembles my voice

I should be hearing your body sing
Breath passing over me
Pull in, push out

S t a r k n e o u r o s i s . . .

coma penchant

threaded fears invaded

the oil crisp slide

a dream touch away

lanolin burn creme


soft as that Autumn blush

cropped and tender brush

while a moist wind of river

groped the poplar rush

high arcade crystal

cd spinner

come in from the hate

of that dark breath

full of night

you smell of


and the wounds of


overflow their grave

like a sure Lost Love

the nails across my

throat and heart


Leaves stampede across the ground
fleeing from the winter cold
they scurry with a rustling sound
as last days of the year unfold

They'll each end their sprint somewhere
some might fetch up on a log
others lift into chill air
perhaps they'll land in a deep bog

This winter wind cuts to the bone
turning sedge fields into seas
little wonder I'm alone
few would brave such cold brisk breeze


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.