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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

In Moriver's enduring spring
there rose to new life, many things
that in the erst, in slumber deep
had lain, entombed in Hilfe's keep.
Through many years of terror bleak            5
that sullied plain to mountain peak
the mighty Queen of all the world
her graces from the west withheld
until the raging tempers stilled
and noble blood no more was spilled.            10

'Twas long ago, when Hamclad's hold
was newly wrought upon the fold
beneath the northern mountains high,
where icy summits scraped the sky.
Deep down within the dolven halls        5
of Aladice's gloomful walls;
there in a subterranean vale
do we begin this wondrous tale.

Just a Mo...

Just a Mo…

It doesn’t matter how
you cut it, this
planet is our life.
We can’t blame the
tracks for division
while monetary
still rife.

Though we may
hide behind
education or
religion, the deed
is ours alone.
The rich always
eat meat, while
the rest shall
suck on the bone.

your lovely beautiful eyes

your beautiful eyes
eyes can never get exhausted
they only exhaust.

It’s the love in one’s eyes
one remembers


admires at all cost,
don’t let your eyes frost.

mine are seemingly tired
now you have to take on

let eyes be the window
of thy mind
ever again say

Legal eagle

Yesterday I stood in court
Arguing my reality
The Judge he was a decent bloke
The lawyer disassembled me

My case reversed I duly fled
Hoping no return
Another date lodged in my head
On which the point could turn

Will I make a tidy sum?
Will I be the winner?
Or end up kicked out on me bum
Not thousand dollars richer?

The law you see is not too just
The case will turn on law
They want proof, that's all they ask
Not what he said or saw

So, how was school today?

slouching hard
back row foolin'
tiltin' the rockin' edge

a clock head
set to scoot
the droning monotone
and the misery in silent
thirty squirms

thirsting for fun



avuncular stringent

down along the motorcar
the fender is wretched
petrol bright is strolling
the glass like innocent
eyes scattered
greasy with rain

flame emollient growing
with interest

Through the pallid slender
trees the river churns steadfast
and slow

sluggish taste of blood upon
the swollen lip
and a jaunty burning in the
right hip

stand like twins
the shadows stretching
the wind receiving
dark reception

oval eyed and wide
as the night

life's twists

life's twists
all life through
struggle is nothing new
we have our own share..

some are born with golden spoons
many on blades of grass
quite a few when the moon is shy
and about to die …

while few in the glory of sun bask
we pretend we wear
an invisible mask,
to hide our shattered bones within us

most see the darkness of life,
others only enjoy spice
they are the optimists of the day


Hot sexual energy

seeping through my pores

sashaying wantonly

I kneel on all fours

He grabs my buttocks

and enters fast

a hard rough fuck

fulfills my lust

Withdrawing slowly

he slaps my bum

Oh, what he does to me

I, once again, come


I used to have much better sight
take that fly two blocks away
lit on a house painted off-white
can't tell if eyes are green or gray

My hearing ain't what it once was
I still hear that train in the next town
not hearing passengers gives pause
leading to my worried frown

And old legs are almost worn out
just dragging two deer from the woods
that last mile almost makes me shout
late at night this makes me brood


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