Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

The Visitors

A visitor called the other night
I think his name was, “Death”;

there was a hideousness about his eyes,
an icy chill inside his breath.

He spoke to me of a journey
if I’d promise to commit;

where the irritating sounds of life
would fade, and stay unlit.

Then another visitor came along
and I believe her name was, “Life”,

just because of the way she looked at, “Death”…
and made him put away his knife.

While offering some coffee
I showed each to a chair,

A Learning Curve...

A Learning Curve…

What is this great impertinence
we call knowledge,
that we all learn through life,
school or college.
It seems the more I learn
fills me with deepest concern.
Thus, allowing me only
an odd adage.

How can we prove
proof is really proof,
when all our teachers
seem so grand or so aloof.
They hide implied truth away,
saying we’d all be led astray
We must be careful not to shatter
their alleged, glass roof.

underneath the quiet hiss
a velvet murmer

violet persona
lands crystal perfection
melting like a tear

pure flake
a jewel ball
to delve

a place of haunt
to dwell

Euclidian Squares

manicured vision-scapes;
nature trimmed into straight lines
and angles, sharp, clean, respectable.

obviously, to the symetric eyed,
it is the preferred version.
such a squared-away world
is not a place for me to be.
I'm a cock-eyed slob of a caretaker
indeed, a zenish-zoned snob
with my own rustic code
...let it go, let it grow, let it flow.

unkempt means time unspent
on policing tendencies
of leaves to blow
snow to fall
grass to grow

Happily Silent

I would like to be content with my own company
but often dissatisfied with me
to sit with myself, silent
is an act I think I’d repent

I’m not confident in my opinion
in my comfort zone being a minion
of my own worth, I’m not singing
my self-esteem issues loudly ringing

My poetry makes me feel free
but I’m safe in relative anonymity
wish I could speak to my soul
whisper sweet-nothings, make it feel whole


Zero and one
it's off or on
from such simplistic seed
sprouted that which we all need

All from a building block of sand
imbued with purposed imperfections
came this virtual world so grand
allowing our world wide connections

Off and on
now off....................

The Smoke of Evening Fires

The Smoke of Evening Fires

Lord, how many times have I climbed this hill?
the road seems stonier, steeper. How can that be?
I’ll rest here a while,
watch the low sun trail shadows
over the rich bottom lands
and the white church beyond the bridge.
The shouts and laughter of children
from the river, rise soft on the evening air.

I'll Read Your Smile

I read your smile
there is nothing lovelier
to me than
that gap between
nose and chin

It lights you up
the handsome version
with good teeth
that you've always been

I noticed your smile
before I noticed
your shoulders

Other women do too
when you jet off
on corporate jaunts
I fret the smile won't
be for me alone

But you return
all smiles
all manly
all delicious
like crisp apple plump

ONCE AND AGAIN (show and tell-Shark Pool)

When comes the spring, the flowers blush
with every color artists brush,
they call the bees and flies with wing,
the flowers blush when comes the spring.

The pollens pass with peaceful breeze,
then fly away and land in ease,
to start a life in numbers-mass
with peaceful breeze, the pollens pass.

The cycle goes once and again.
More flowers bloom to blaze the plain.
The incense's rich, it feeds the nose
once and again the cycle goes.

Fedora on the rack....

obsolescence, left eye pressure
another night sprawled on the worn desk top
the pleasure of freedom and two fisted appeal
seeping away these last 40 years
in days past a woman would wake me
afraid, needing a stiff spine and a steady gun hand
I would've drawn my hands through my thick hair
and sleepily, squint-eyed assessed her, drank
a 12 hour old coffee and bourbon and eased
her fear with steel and gun-metal eyes
with the flip of cosmic switch
no femme fatales left and a bald pate


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.