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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Bitter streetlight
Sneaks past dusty blinds
Frozen crystal-hard
By cold relentless mourn
Of being alone;

Her softness deep within old quilts
Is missing
While I toss and turn
In twisted sheets
As night lasts into lonely dawn.

There must be others
Out there somewhere
Stuck slow in lonely amber
Waiting for the one
who takes away the solitude,
soothing tired tiny stabs of solitary
Deep into the night,

Monster Under My Bed

the house is dark
mom and dad are asleep
and I'm up watching tales of the script
people strangled by unseen hands
on the movie set

afraid and fearful of the unseen hands
I tiptoed through the dark house
pass mom and dad's room back to my bedroom
where my sisters were sleeping quietly
in a regular bed shared by 4 girls looked so far away
from the door where I stood looking for monsters under my bed

The Puppy Joke between the Owl & the Pussy-cat

A gray cat that I know
out back by the fence
was conversing with an owl in the tree,

"Should the wind start to blow
and I'm not making sense,
I must be asleep, don't bother me!"

And just as he said
the branches did sway,
then the owl began speaking in rhymes;

the cat went towards the shed
an evening fog swallowed day,
in the distance, the clock tower chimes.

Then out the pet door
and falling flat on his face,
came the youngest one of this small clan;


A ship upon my woman waters
I split to bear its weight on me.
It's vessel body sinks into
and I, like open ocean be.

Waves build,
against ships that idly pass.
I fold into
I drowned within,
make claim upon the sailor's sins.

Those strong bodied monstrosities disrupting every inch of me,
just sail on through my stormy seas
as I, like open ocean be.

Challenging Times

Challenging times
nickels and dimes
Used to be paper
I rustled
feels like I’ve
been hustled
New charges for
this and that
everything plus VAT
there’ll be a tax
on laughter next
won’t be able
to afford to text


hold the fast down
the light town
spreading like a sweet concussion
the echo chamber roam
and the pain wrenched groan

taste your ghost
in the ache
of the shake

in the ruin
like the dust
from the crash

bones and hearts
souls and kingdom
kind asunder

the torch of shame
burning up the blunders

and you stare into the
pain of heaven
and wonder


Offline. That’s what the message box said.
You told me to wish on your laptop’s time
It was six minutes late
My wish couldn’t have counted
So there should be no harm in telling you now.

I wished for you and for all of you.

Pulling down at the edges of the sky
Wrap your stars as a blanket around you
Let the intense heat and pressure course through
Clear your head.
Let the diamonds fall back to coal.

seasonal life

life is really seasonal as is
some poets poetry
stages of life so well depicted,

from birth to death do remember me
as the fall does,
of human bondage relieve,
grieve not of my being ere,
remember me with love
throughout the year
if you so care

the autumn of my life arrives,
the horizon is distant,
yet, not bare
so to live another day
let me continue to dare..

and angels weep...


Beyond the perimeter of time
A relentless voice of personal addiction
Sings of now defunct dreams.

A helping hand strums, on open hills
Stringed anthems to Elysian chords;
applauds long gone deeds.

Many forget in daily commute,
Their pursuit itself an obsession;
Destiny derailed by blind derision.



An ordinary rocking chair
with comfy armrests on each side
finish faded here and there
with seat that's solid, firm and wide.

Way back in her school girl years
she'd rock in it while music played
smiling face un marked by tears,
she'd rock and sing while brown hair swayed.

When marriage came it followed her
to her first home and new husband
and after work that old rocker
kept contentment close to hand.


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