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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Brilliant, blazing, softly crimson
Aglow against the midnight blue horizon

Fingers strong and gentle, dipping into the glory
of the melting twilight sun

Slowly streaking the reddish hue
Across the complexion of the evening sky

What wonderment to the eye
The Ultimate Artist, proving He still can

love me will ye

love me will ye

love me like you've loved none other
mother pop sibling,
yes brother sister,
uncle aunts don't figure in today
the world is full of anxiety
if i may that say…

no nephew, niece has any time for you
even if love you gave them too…

so love me today
like you do love your Lord

be he, human
angel or God….

it's not a finger pointing; but the moon

moon, silk in gold:

ocean's salty tongue
swoons across the sand


" I am in a mental prison
subject to my own threats
the crazy things my mind projects
some take pills to manage the pain
though the never get away because their labeled insane
try to stay true
But how could you,
Because instead of seeing you, people fail to see the real you
A former of the word
Perhaps god has truer conquest
I hope it comes soon
Things becoming more stressed
But don't fear me,
I need you more then ever
Always here to stay

Child love

Do your children love you? Not a bit
They just think that you're a nerd or twit
They don't think you have a thought profound
And when you speak they look at you and frown
The things you say are not to there base tastes
The clothes you wear , to them are a disgrace
You are too old for them to call you mummy
They laugh at you and think that you are funny
They ignore you except for when they find
They haven't got a shilling or a dime
then do they pretend that they are nice?


the old ones' time of death
when sustenence is scarce
when starvation is bountiful
and disease is

the artist's time of contrasts
white and black
green and red
bleak and beautiful

time of extremes
weather's playground
of thaws and blizzards
ice and rain


Does anyone remember Bunny Blue or Mary Jane and Sniffles
Or maybe Wonder Woman and Brenda Starr
Do you know where they are
Gone from everywhere except my memory

And I remember them well
Brenda's Mystery Man, forever searching the jungles
for the elusive black orchid
It was great to be a kid and live in my mind

Such great adventures with Mary Jane and the litttle mouse
with a hat and a pair of pants
Bunny Blue, who could climb out of the toybox and come alive
When there were no adults around


He hit me so hard

I blacked out

left me here

cowering naked in the corner

not just my body battered but my soul

never again will it be whole

with each dig his erection grew

gone the man I once knew

this is his passion, how he gets his kicks

My supposed crime - existing

my annoying habit - breathing

Last week I watched him sleep

the knife held tight

but I couldn’t do it

don’t have it in me

I have to get out of here

but I’m paralysed with fear

he’ll only come and get me


tethered down
this heavy crown
in dew dross languid home

the ghosts are heeding
fastly speeding
and safety's far from home

gleaned images of sun
dappled hands and fire forth
tilt to faces searching
the years
the yearning

this snow cascade
filling steps all in
the right
the wrong

and nights surrender
speeds in her tome
her rhyme her home


I reminisce to only think never this
The loneliness
Accompanied by the moans and whisps
Of revenge sexing me
A drinking binge investment treats
Every wound. Frees
The thoughts of feeling doomed, weak
Spineless. Unkindness
Reveals every moment to be timeless
And a man prone to be mindless


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