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Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

Once upon a time,
I went back and forth
In my mind
About who was the villain.

You wove quite a tale,
Didn’t you,
Of where you met
Your demons?

You seemed so sure
Of your folklore,
It really was

But in a tale
As old as time,
The truth
Isn’t so forgiving.

There lived a girl
Who sang with the birds
And dreamed
Her prince would come.

There is no place,
Even far, far away,
Where she would ever do
What you had done.

To this day,
She wishes on a star
That she’ll get
Her fairytale ending.

I know it was me
Who held all of the magic.
It was you
Who was wicked.

Written September 14, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
Read my writer’s blog at
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This poem tells a tale itself,but, there is a gap between what was proven to be false and the girl who wins at the end. You may need a few more lines to connect it all
I loved the overall theme and word usage.

Thank you for sharing


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