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The Waters Edge

Take me down to the water's edge
down to the ocean floor
so many treasures there
waiting for me to explore

Cooling darkened water
yields assuage
from the oppressive heat
within the depths surroundings
there is a gentle heartbeat

Show me the path that leads
to Neptune's open door
there upon a bed of seaweed
my weary head to lay
where I may be lulled to sleep
while little fishes play

Take me down to the waters edge
down to the ocean floor
there with all the sea life
my body will explore

Strand of filtered light will find me
among the coral bed
standing firm and lush
inviting me to touch them
but to do so would bring dread

Show me where the sirens live
for I need to hear their song
as it will be only then
I'll know where I belong

And when I find that treasure
exploding with sheer pleasure
again I'll want to be
taken back to the oceans floor

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


i liked the theme of this's feel and genteel flow

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thank you

author comment
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