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Twenty-First Century Dream
"The haunting, hunted kind..."
~ Pilot's Dream
I dreamed I met a little boy.
A most amazing child.
He smiled at me, but didn't speak a word.
The wind was all I heard.
I followed him down a crowded alley,
filled with scowls and empty stares.
He walked among the wicked and the vile,
the endless mercantile.
Suddenly, there came
a howling, bitter rain.
The child reached out his arms
and smiled at me again.
The crowds cowered to run,
the cleansing had begun.
Then I saw thousands of sinners
falling to their knees,
searching the sky as in a trance,
wailing in song about a second chance.
When I awoke, I stepped to my window.
Crows scattered from the trees.
Their eerie call oppressed my mind,
the haunting, hunted kind.
Style / type:
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity):
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words:
Even though there is rhyme, I'm gonna note this as free style since the rhythm is a bit abstract. Not a real dream, but weighty thoughts as of late. Not sure what it means, actually.
Thank you for reading. L
Editing stage:
Content level:
Not Explicit Content
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Sat, 2023-11-18 07:22
This was eerie yet powerful. I felt like the child was trying to show you something but having you follow without speaking. Like he was showing you the ugly in the world and perhaps a touch of karma with the rain coming to cleanse them. The outstretched arms made me shiver. I could see this ghost child reaching out to be held, comforted. Perhaps a lost soul who needs some reassurance and love. This is just my take. I like the form and use of language. Another story well told. Great job.
Sat, 2023-11-18 21:58
Hello, Carrie,
I love your interpretation, as I truly did not know what it meant to me. One of those poems that just poured out. But your thoughts have helped me sort through it a bit. I believe you are spot on. Thanks so much for your insight and help!