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Stoned Valor

I saluted the beret
felt resolve in those steely eyes

soaked in the colors
of ribbons of valor
worn with pride

noticed a come what may powerful stride

marveled at the gait and muscular frame

an icon of strength, a beacon for youth

then I stepped closer to read
letters inscribed in stone

"Sergent Brave-heart breathed his last
on the battle front in Operation Desert Storm
leaving behind family, friends and an expectant mother
who wants to wear his colors"

leaving me speechless, silent and paying respects
to all Brave-hearts

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


speechless too dear raj.
The only line that I couldn't get fully is

"noticed a come what may powerful stride"
Just me... I feel like I'm missing something here.
A gem, the least to say


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thanks Rula for reading and commenting. Regarding your query about the line I meant "come what may" attitude or sort of "never say die" attitude. Good to know you liked this.

I wrote this in a different style as part of my experimentation but since there was no comment from anyone I was seriously thinking of pulling this out tonight.

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

there are no comments either on the other pieces.Seems that everyone is busy.
Thanks for the explanation.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Rula I keep trying. I have also tried my had a couple of days back at a triolet :)

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

Hi raj

an expectant mother
who wants to wear his colors"

this made the poem for me, what can be more positive than this..


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

thanks for your read and comment...the lines you mentioned are in fact my favorite and foundation of this experimental poem where I have tried to draw attention that most of us salute the soldier[ what we see] but not look beyond the soldier [at the unseen portrait]

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

A mom wore her son's medals
consoled his girl friend

they were about to marry
his seed in her
still has she
this adds love
to glory
now an everlasting story!!!

you of them speak

Thanks for the read and comment Lovedly

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

The common usage today of "stoned" is obviously something else.
Perhaps Valor in Stone?

What is so sad are the so many dead, the wounded mentally and physically, families left in despair, for a war that has such contempt in history. A war based on deceptive facts and lies. Like most wars.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

You are right about the wars Eumolpus

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment
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