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Second Chances

The waiting was unbearable as test after test
proved the doctors right
Fear growing,overwhelming

prayer after prayer
tear after tear
shed in the shadows of a darkened room
while visions of a tomb
loomed over all

Then came the words feared the most
the anger rose as I played host
how could this be
when did it start and how far did it go

Days turned to weeks
weeks into months
a blade of steel
in a skilled surgeons hand
was my ray of hope

Success at last
the demon was dead
so many questions
racing through my head

Though there is still
so much to go through
this is one thing
I found to be true
one never knows the meaning of life
until they have suffered
bringing so much to light

Take not for granted what so soon may be gone
I now have been given the chance to live on

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Last few words: 
Although I will never be free of the threat of it making a return,For now I can safely say I have won this round with cancer I could not have made it through all without Lon by my side every step of the way many thanks to the few friends here that knew
Editing stage: 


The poem is such a good reflection of what you have gone through, the trials, tribulations but in the end good to know the outcome of the surgery was much truth in the concluding lines too..

good to know you are now well on the road to recovery...

much love and best wishes,

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thank you for your words. It was a scary ride but I cannot dwell on it. Ill always carry that threat for the rest of my life but it has given me the strength to move foward

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment

No critique, just admiration at your bravery. So happy things have went well for you, and to have you back among us. Love Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

wasn't bravery it was the fear that kept me going and the disbelief of it all

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment

great to see you about Chrys
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

No you are ther one deserving of my respect and admiration but thank you for taking the time for the visit

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment

that was touching. I am happy to hear the good news.
Sometimes second chances work even better, or so they say :)
Take care.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you for your kind words

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment

Your poem expresses what you went through with dignity and determination. I was proud to be able to be there for you!

Being there of the loved ones around means a lot. I am sure it meant a lot


raj (sublime_ocean)

No response needed here as you know how deeply in your debt I am

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment

I am sure your heart and Chrys's love of life went hand in hand to overcome those difficult days. You're examplary partners. Hope you see more beautiful days together.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

We all know on an intellectual level that our days are Not without end. But it takes either watching loved ones pass or confronting the reaper personally to make this knowledge personal. And it is during struggles and hard times that we discover that there Is a difference between acquaintances, friends, and lovers. I am glad that Lonnie was there for you and extremely pleased that your travails have resulted in good news.............stan.......or as I was once called by a friend...Norman lol

Thank you very much . and my sorrow at your loss

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

author comment
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