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Sea Glass

In my mind's eye, you walked by,
entered a door. I followed just because
it's in my nature, this curiosity that I am.
You see, I lost myself and I was
in my momentary absence.
The world turned to living colour,
and moved as did I.
I was its willing captive. And yours,
my darling.

Once we were two mountains walking
toward the sun. Once I was the river's song
and you were ocean, calling to me a
strange and beautiful melody. Once
we were lovers who had lost our way
and there was no turning back.

We are waves now, calming the sea of us.
We are wind raging with fire.
Water drowning the flame.

Unwritten poems of the flesh,
like mirrors we must break to see.

Editing stage: 


Just passing through, wishing all health, prosperity and love. A little happiness too.


author comment

Anna don't pass through. we miss your poetry and advice, i miss your poetry and advice. Love Roscoe.

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Very sweet of you to say so Roscoe, Truth is we miss anyone we've known, even if we weren't bosom buddies.
Humans are like that sometimes. And that's a good thing.


author comment

High energy piece to a tranquil movement of Oceans swell, loved it...
The title caught me, as Sea Glass we use to look for it on the beach, from a broken jagged piece that would cut to a smoothed gem of what was just a piece of glass..
Take care, Yours Ian.T

PS:- Oh by the way, I felt that breath of fresh air as you drew near, please stay awhile...x

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

in your poetry,
till today
but it's sad you never now come my way
as I'm being read
right away.
Ask Ian ,
straight away

once you had said
I must be a cynic-ky ole man
what of me now is your evaluation

am known as the bard
by Ian


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