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Renga 8 "A Song Of Passion"

We must learn to sing
teach us of your ways of love
show me the rapture

see how the passion rises
shield me not from true loving

let us dance with joy
as we celebrate this life
painted with laughter

embrace innocence again
release the heart from malice

wide eyed innocence
blissful days of childishness
boys run after girls

embrace the cheerful laughter
remember days of your youth

in each beat of heart
listen to the melody
in high and low notes

write a song, lend it a tune
sing along the swings of life

love in innocence
unconditional love blooms
a truth in all ways.

learn of others how to feel
feel love with your inner soul.

fighting to be you
coping enduring the bad
with good ain't easy.

some don't accept uniqueness
just know you are where you live.

sing with heart and soul
just because you want to sing
alone or in choir

feel the song not just listen
soak in the experience

then there is true love
that grows like summer wildflowers
as free as the windM

raise your voice to the heavens
let your spirit soar up high

let me therefore stay
within your feelings to roam
in your heart is home

as we can live forever
because we believe in us..

Co Writers

Ian. T
Barbara a Writes

Editing stage: 


Thank you for your overseeing this joint write,
it has turned out very well.
I look forward to the next part of feelings.
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Like Ian, for me too it's a pleasure to participate in your Work Shops and co-writes. Me too looking forward to the next.


raj (sublime_ocean)

Thanks, I enjoy overseeing the renga workshop and appreciate you both for your enthusiasm.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

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