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Rendition [Sunku]

on keys
of a piano
are finger prints

heart touching
musical notes

some hide
their fingers
behind white gloves

Style / type: 
Structured: Eastern
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 


Hi Raj,
Hm. Interesting.
Some people play with their naked spirit
and others are even afraid to take off their gloves.
I like your poem very much it shows your unique way of seeing. It is inspiring. Why don't you offer it as a prompt?


Thanks for reading IRiz

a positive comment coming from you who innovated Sunku form means a lot.....I am trying to improve on the aesthetic aspect by posting a few Sunkus especially to make the readers think and perceive it....hope I a will get there sooner or later ...practice makes one perfect as is i keep trying...

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

Sweet. Maybe one day we will publish a paper on it after all.


it would be great to see a paper published

tell you what? if you see closely recently under style/type I am already listing these Sunkus as structured eastern doing so I am not breaking any rule merely bending it :)

using Trump strategy that if you go on saying fake news or no collusion a thousand times people start believing

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

goes over my head until I read IRiz's comment.
I'm still unable to figure out how much should the subtext be surialistic to meet the esthetics of the form


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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as a matter of fact the perception of IRiz is only one...there can be another....

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment
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