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At times I feel

Nostalgia is far overpowering
as we all recall
the times gone by

I do have such a memory,
implanted in my mind’s eye

for over many a decades
as if 'twere yesterday
but the memory remains till today
as if twas happening
this moment right-away
and I do say

let memories be our comfort,
all day

Let the night be chilly if it may
but memories will indelibly
memories stay

as if it was just yesterday…

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


You write some lovely thoughts. I have three types of memories: wonderful, mundane and horriffic. I try to focus on the wonderful when reminiscing. As they get me through the bad times.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

The appreciation comes so voluntarily
it smartens my heart
mundane ,horrific and wonderful
as you say,
let our lovely memoires as fresh as ever stay
for the remembrance of the past
does not ever fade
but does last till memory is watered
twill you amaze
I can recall my very first birthday.
don't laugh,
memories will never fade away
they always shall stay
until life itself fades away.


author comment

what are we But memories
piled up through life like autumn leaves.........liked your poem..........stan

That you are the spring of life and I
the autumn
spread like wild leaves
across the meadows
distant horizon…
as you're the rising sun
to smear a few rays perhaps
at a leaf maybe just one…
thanks for passing bye
you make an autumn leaf
in me fly sky high!


author comment
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