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Cacophony of grey twigs,
their splotches, lichen on the smoother bark,
their music in the breeze, a rattle, clap.

Bones long gone respond in graves close by,
and moose stop munching tips of trees,
to hear, to see, to smell.

Danger flings its fearful cloak about,
his mighty dark cloud canopy,
all cats go scatty dancing a devil's dance,

A glint of madness in their eye.
The fly and ant take refuge in their holes or heaps,
a metre down they're safe from any harm.*

The human animals clothed in oilskin coats,
go out to sea in tiny barks,
while thrown from wave to wave, they fish.

So brave in furious storms that blow the spume up high,
to meet the low descended sky above,
the seagulls glide and dip their fairground joy, on wings like albatross.

An eerie distance hides a mystery of things we cannot see,
so black the hour has turned, this driving mass of mist,
and pouring rain on this day called monday.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
* except possibly the green woodpecker, who digs holes in their heaps in Winter, to eat their grubs. Ann
Editing stage: 


A sombre grey poem perfectly catching what Mondays can feel like, to those with a less possitive attitude. I've never thought of Mondays as such, just another day. Can't see anything i'd change, perhaps put an (a) between dancing and devil, last line verse three. But that could be just a preference. Love Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

And I agreed with you about the little 'a' and now its there.
I do not feel bad on Mondays just in this poem it seemed to fit as a mood, I loved the mottled bark of the trees I saw in the woods, they seemed like a strange chorus of sounds silvery and delicate, a sensitive percussion, as they slowly glided past my vision, changing places; such subtle differences of colour that show so clearly in the Winter, when most is dulled, then the silent-things speak their otherwise hidden words.

As to the wind my Siamese cat went crackers and start dashing about inside the house stopping only to peer out of the window with wild eyes, he, Pingtoo, didn't like being out in the cold though!! Miaow.

Love Ann,

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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