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Lend me a crescent moon

The Crescent moon faithfully shines
never burning out like the tired writer
writing stories about men and nature
struggles to sync with Mother Nature.

Together in a world of ppl with depraved hearts
against a race of ppl that freely shared kindness
conduct bible studies, a giving heart to one lost soul
who reduced them and their families to a heart of ash.

Charleston SC will forever remember
July 17 2015 the day a terrorist opened fire on
peaceful ppl who accepted him into their spiritual foul
the flock of their Mother Emanuel.

The bible group of thirteen had no way of knowing
the kid had disapproved them as Americans by his logic
so unreal how a young man can embrace ppl in a church
for a hour of bible study then mow them down in a blaze of fire.

A barrage of bullets this subhuman reloaded his glock
five times leaving one elderly lady unharmed to tell the story
of a 21 year old boy gone wrong raging war.

Editing stage: 


There ARE monsters who walk among us and this animal is one of them. I don't care what it's motive was, I don't care if it was insane or not, I don't care about his home life. We need to execute it as soon as we can and remove him from the gene pool.
On a somewhat different note, I'm proud of the way all those in Charleston have reacted to this tragedy. Unlike in too many recent cases, calm has prevailed. No rioting, no protesting by out of staters. We will get through this together regardless of skin color or political affiliation ...............stan

I wrote this after my Ativan took too long to carry me to lalaland.
You are right instead of causing the racial war he described to his friends he brought the races together bc good ppl at heart don't respond that way regardless of skin color.
This boy brought SC and the forgiving nature of some, the confederate flag to the attention of the globe.

I cherish the colorblind friendship we have here. I've talked about y'all a lot since 2008.
My son 23 today said, yesterday said it's like he know weirdelf personally when I mentioned Neopoet in our discussion about Charleston.

They kinda met when Jess commented on a comment about my granddaughter's dyslexia. Lol. The silence was deafening. My son text me "ma!"
I explain Jess and he apologized. I told him Jess like him bc my son don't see color and cares for all ppl.
My four kids' grew up with Neopoet as apart of our family. Only if ppl could live together without the hate.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

might be a sore point between us. It Should have been lowered to half mast as the others were.I suspect it not having been was a mere oversight by somebody, not some kind of "statement" by anybody.I understand that a lot of hate groups have used that flag and thus corroded the reason it still flies (although Not over the state house) on statehouse grounds. Most white people who give it any thought at all think of it as an historic statement commemorating all the people of S.C. who died and/or suffered in attempting to repel the norther invaders of our home land. The majority of confer. soldiers owned no slaves and thus were not fighting about that.
The war between the states was a time of confusion and great courage displayed by both those who wore blue and gray. It is this that the flag actually represents, not hatred. And this is why our legislators voted to keep it on display although it was moved to a more inconspicuous place, a fitting place: the confederate memorial. I myself think it Should be on display where all can see it. It is a reminder that a war can be fought which means different things to different people.
And as bad as the war devastated the south and as unjust the reconstruction was, the overall outcome was for the best. What if the U.S. had remained divided when Hitler and the Soviet Union came along? ..........stan

Ppl I know who have it aren't friendly toward blk but tolerate them. I know bc I live and raised my kids among them but have friended none. We do look out for each homes. I think all war memorabilia should be in museums for those who feel so strongly about it.
I don't concern myself unless I'm confronted as I'm aware of those hidden but noticeable spirit that keep us divided behind the eyes of many of many races.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

Our thoughts and healings go out to those people that are suffering in Charleston, to us here in the United Kingdom it was an act of unmeasurable evil.
The people there have become a beacon to others in their behaviour, I can only feel an immense sadness that these things happen.
I hope that those affected can find a peace within themselves and that they find a good path to walk, Yours as always, Ian.

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

They have done just that. They chose to forgive and move on for their emotional up building. We gotta cling together to survive while at same time let it go and move forward. Faith and belief that God comforts the crushed at heart as they are calling his name. Knowing that this craziness is temporary and there will be a day when everyone will live in peace and fear none.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

the turmoil in your mind,heart and soul is vividly expressed in this poem....

i join you and all caring folks in prayers to God to keep the departed innocent souls in eternal peace...


raj (sublime_ocean)

I pray for them and the world. I am very lucky that the racism or most form of bias in my country are more controlled. When it is done openly in manner of speech or actions which may lead to violence, the law step in quickly. We cannot afford to let it spread as we are living in a multiracial and multiculture society.


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