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Green Jacket on A Red Train....

He steps aside to let her board,
she steals a fleeting glance.
A friendly smile hastily ignored,
to many lovers taken by chance.

Green jacket on a red morning train,
her coloured pain clashes with time.
Magic capsule carries the strain,
wheels clicking a new day rhyme.

Tired talking people rolling through,
rock along on rails of solid steel.
She looks at me as I look at you,
can we really know how we feel.

Moving steps take us deep underground,
nearing where a devils sleep.
Our eyes tell stories without sound,
fast the faking hour does creep.

A stapled heart on bad coloured clothes,
behind which her skin feels worn.
Her mind living in a body she loathes,
keeps wishing she’d never been born.

Onward our journey a destination waits,
carriages fade through mortar and brick.
His smile starts working she reciprocates,
though she believes he is Satan’s prick.

Off she runs very fast very free,
a drink or two just to fuel the fire.
Her sex is craving that he’s a he,
what else does, her body, require.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
The mood was such...
Editing stage: 


the journey feel of this..
all aboard...and the settling in
mosts eyes tell the stories...
their wants and needs...
books....texts...although this I feel
is older...

I was lucky enough to travel train
when they had bar cars
no televisions i pads etc...
talking was the thing or sleeping
and or not loudly....

I like the descripts of characters
And of subway and trams...another
world there....more intimate
and personal....I loved subway riding
been years......

excellent this before and
again.....I cant focus like a lot of people
I have to be exhausted to be slow enough
mentally to appreciate the writing..
and depth of meaning...

thank U

Looking back on this and found I hadn't even replied to this great man. Miss him and his work. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

author comment

Yes he and a few others now gone on that last venture.........

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