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Crazed Belief

Sickened with anger
Riddled with rage
Where are the values? The loyalty?
Erased with youth and corrupt minds
How can I belong when my mind is so different?
Different to who they are
Different to how they see
There is no 'we', only I
For only I can truly plea for change
Only I can conjure my own faith
Through my eyes, they are all deranged

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I have no criticism of this poem at all. It is powerful, emotional, and most excellent.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy this, and all of the poems you have posted.


Respectfully, Race

"Laws and Rules don't kill freedom: narrow-minded intolerance does" - Race-9togo

Hi Stephanie,

It sounds just simply perfect! :)


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