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The Chill of The Night

the chill of the night gives me goose bumps.
my skimpy attire no longer cools me from the hot, burning, sun.
the fall of the night, the moonlight diamond white takes the sky.
i didn't bring a sweater or jacket to protect me from the chill of the night.
now i stand here with my arms folded across my chest, rubbing my cold skin, trying to create friction from my hands  to warm my frigid arms. 

during the day i didn't concern myself with the chill of the night because the sun rays causing my bronze, pecan tan now darker than dark skin to be sunburned is all i thought about.
the flowers in the gardens at swan lake flashed before me. i wanted to take some seasonal picture that would backdrop my cellphones and Facebook page. 
the swans are so beautiful this time of the year.
the ducks shading under the trees and bushes from the noon heat.

i reflected back at the beautiful moments of the days in my yellow sundress with purple flowers decorating my hemline and neckline, two white swans a female and male swim gracefully at my waistline, wearing my yellow sandals, a purple sunhat, and my Randy Jackson designer shades as i walk through the iris gardens pass the pristine waters. 
on the other side docking at the pier, a white ferry boat loaded passengers waiting to sail out into the deep waters where the sunlight shimmer like silver glitter in the middle of the pond where birds nests in the treetops. 

dusk sat upon me and the stars behind blues skies now appears as the sky darkens under the blanket of night.
it has really gotten colder as i tremble from the biting chill of the night. 
i soon retreated to the warm cozy fire in the fireplace of the vacation house i occupy nearby. 
a can of cocoa and a bag of marshmallow awaits me in the cupboard as i imagine the steam rising from the brim of my favorite tea cup.
I'm feeling warmer just thinking about it, as i shove open the door of the house slamming it behind me in a frenzy to escape the biting chill of the night. 

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


A story of the evenings cool not sure what poetic form this follows, the story is good though in there is a poem but I will leave that to you to haul it out of there, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

it not really a poem. i was attempting Prose here.
i need to do more work on i reckon

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

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