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The Beauty Of Swan Lake

Swan Lake Gardens Paradise

Swan Lake Gardens is like paradise amid the oak thistles. Trees stand tall in the middle of the lake. Black swans, white, grey, brown, multicolored wade in the water, pick their feathers clean with their beaks, and skying across the water like a ship on the seven seas. A photographer takes pictures standing on the lake shore.

Walking quickly by a beautiful bride and her family enters the park to enjoy its beauty.
A beautiful white swan skates gracefully on the rippling water. Young boys lean over the wooden fence attempting to catch frogs. A couple pushes their young one in a stroller. A man swinging his camara in his right hand. Three teens sat on the black, steel park bench wearing an ear piece in their ear listening to their smartphones.

To my surprise the beautiful bride is a young girl I've known from her childhood. She is getting married a month from now, June 1st. Her family is taking pictures of her in a white wedding dress under the parks beauty backdrop. I stopped to take pictures of her for my personal memoir. Soon I was distracted by a snowy swan skates by underneath the thistle tree shade.

The sun is beaming as stars rippling across the muddy water. Three dark ducks swim softly by, eating insects dropping from the trees onto the water surface. Now I've come to the bridge crossing the stream to the other side. Children on the other end of the lake happily, shout in joyous play games. Excited to see the swam relaxing in the swampy shade.

Park attendences tiddy up before summer reigns riding in their park caddy. He interacts with a mother and two young boys one half a rule taller than the other offering them ice cream, if they are good.

Stumbling almost falling I regain my balance. Crossing the next bridge over the muddy stream holding tight to green thistle leaves that fell on the water. Turtles under water with their heads popped up gather at the bridge's edge.

As I watched the turtles another couple sits in the black park bench under the tree shade by the waters edge where the turtles gather in drones. Another family stroll through the butterfly santuary across from them.

My legs are weak now, buckling under the pressure of walking. Been standing too long writing this poem strolling through the park's haven. My lower back is numb, tight holding up so far from the stress as I get closer to the trail's ending.

A thistle tree in the middle of the lake sways to the left in the sparking light. The waves are rippling past the tree trunk like glass diamonds throw out sea. Still the swans, and ducks captivates the playful, screaming children's as mom take their pictures and other family members stood by watching.

Tired, a little weaker than before, I use the wooden fence post to help my balance as three mother ducks flap their wings quickly splashing starlit water everywhere. I would take a picture, but my smartphone is not that quick or advanced for the motion scene I'm enjoying. While one duck pick her feathers clean taking a couple of spinning dips to wash her body caused the water, shining like the billions of stars, to make circles like a whirlpool.

Again I've succumb to leaning on the wooden fence to catch a rest. I'm pushing on as I see the final bend approaching. The Irish Festival is nearing and a white tent with silver steel post supported by yellow cables on a black stage with an orange cone at each corner, waits for the venders, and tourists to completely cover these grounds for a week of festivities.

My back number, tighter than before pains me as I approach the plank a few feet off the banks.
I'll walk this plank out to the water for only a few minutes as the sun is really hot today. Stumbling back to the path, I touched the wooden rail for support as I walk the plank back to the dusty trail.
Crows fly over head singing mating calls in the treetops. I'm carrying on determined to finish my stroll in this beautiful garden.

I've reached the post that says,"Trail Start Trail End 0.75 MI" . The cool breeze is refreshingly cooling my hot, tired, sweaty, achy body. I breathe in welcoming it as it eases the pain in my heart from the disappointments of the day. I soon notice a red barn, behind the fence storing feed for the park's animals. Bright red trimmed in white.

Nearby a driftwood behind the fence where walkers are not permitted makes a resting place for three turtles sitting peacefully on her bark.
One branch to the left leads the way while one branch on the back to right takes care of things behind.

My belly pouch bigger now feels tight. I hope these stress freeing walks to write poetry helps to flatten my tummy buldge like it was before meds.
I'm making my final stretch in these dense foliage
My body has cooled nicely and I'm enjoying the rushing cold breeze making these tree limbs sway in the wind. My stomach has begun to burn. My chest gradually erupts in pain. My whole body is going numb from the pressure to succeed walking while I write poetry of the blessed event.

I'd take a piece of moss from the tree, but the worms might scare me to death if they exist there. I'm pushing forward despite the spurs in my back giving me a fit. My legs slightly bent, I walk heavily on my feet carefully stamping to the ground as to not give out. I sigh as the pain overwhelms me. I dip slighyly bowing softly to gain the strength to walk on stomping the sandy trail as quickly as I can.

I stop to stare at a tree in the middle of the lake to see if the snowy white fowl perched in it is a swan. It gotta be a bird, what kind, I can't tell as it is to far for me to see with any clarity. A fun day at swan lakes, people enjoying their Saturday. Sitting by the water's edge meditating on the peacefullness shared by all races, status, and backgrounds.

My earpiece is beeping as I've been listening to my favorite song via my smartphone tucked in my bra strap. Its till holding charge after a two hour walk. I'm not sure as I lost track of time typing on my kindle fire with 51% charge left holding strong.

I'm coming up on the last bridge to cross before I'm out of these foliage making my way to my car in the parking lot. There's still a bit of way to go across the green lawn. Staggering to the left then to the right in a weaken state as if to be drunk, I power walked across the green flush grass where picnickers enjoy their afternoon.

A second beep from my ear piece says battery is low as my phone rang. I answered the call, but it dropped. So I made faster tracks to my car to crash and rest my tired legs, but clear head recharging my headset as my phone still has more than half its charge left.

Tired from the walk, but feeling weller. I'm grateful still to be blessed to do as much to become more aware of how God loves unconditionally.

Editing stage: 


Are you an observer? Well to write good poetry. You need eyes like yours! Lol . I do enjoy poetry that shows a life activity to the extent it becomes like something I have seen. We dont have swans in Nigeria. But we do have parks. Its almost like you shot this scene in polaroid for all to see. So much detail in the scenery. Then the silent blend of nature-trees ,lake,turtle,swan. Wit technology-camera,smartphone,headset .car yes love it. When do we get the finished work?

The prose to poetry workshop helped me a lot with this form of poetry called poetic prose.

I've taken hundreds of pictures with my phones And written thousands of what I call poetry.

I only recently started writing my scenic observations in poetry.
It's just captures more then a polaroid portrait I think.

Yes I've been an observer been for as long as i can remember with an eye for detail from childhood even in my annoying conversation people get irritated lol.

I started out drawing the things I've observed in life and nature in college back in the 80's.

I will be adding to, editing, and revising this until its finished. Not sure when it'll be finish, but it won't be long.
I appreciate your commentary Thanks.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

this was a lovely journey you took me on - thank you

lol - as we are doing the workshop, i have to say that i would consider this more prose than poetry :)
just a little observation for purposes of defining it as we are trying to do
in no way trying to detract from the loveliness of the write

had a little giggle at the thought of how i'd be just like you towards the end of the walk - almost at heart attack status from the energy needed?

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Still editing
thanks Judy its a form of poetry in my understanding. Poetic prose is what I have here
Hi Tem glad to meet you, thanks for the commentary a lot of work go into keeping this park a natural paradise the swans are the main attraction here

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment
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