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Barbarities and Cross-fertilization

Peace and war are not relatable
Evil for war, good for peace
So, forbid evil and wrongful transgression.

Edify people that war is unpalatable
Spread peace, a service to folks,
Prove humanity is a single nation.

Strive to advocate peace, so imperturbable
Peacemakers do ably restrain all barbarities
Ever to uphold peace — their mission.

© Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi

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Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi's poem, "Peace and War," delivers a powerful message about the importance of promoting peace and rejecting violence. Through his words, Adeniyi emphasizes the crucial role that peacemakers play in our society and encourages readers to reject evil and embrace the common humanity that unites us all. The poem is concise but impactful, with each line carrying a weighty message that lingers in the mind long after the reading is done. Overall, Adeniyi's "Peace and War" is a poignant and thought-provoking work of poetry that deserves to be read and shared widely.
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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Overall, this poem has a clear message about the importance of promoting peace and preventing war. The use of repetition in the stanzas, with the repeated emphasis on peace and the condemnation of war, helps to reinforce the theme. Additionally, the use of alliteration, such as in "forbid evil and wrongful transgression" and "Peacemakers do ably restrain all barbarities," adds to the poem's lyrical quality.

One suggestion for a line edit would be to change "prove humanity is a single nation" to "show humanity's unity as one." This edit maintains the original message about the importance of promoting unity, but with a more concise and impactful phrasing.

Overall, "Barbarities and Cross-fertilization" effectively conveys a powerful message about the need for peace and the dangers of war. With its strong language and clear structure, the poem leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

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