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Autumn Day Poetry

Falling leaves;
Autumn scenes;
Cool fresh air;
Through my curly hair.

Trees hung low;
Bearing golden apples
The size of plums;
On the ground below.

I thought they were simeons
Like belly buttons;
Dimples pierced the bottom;
The cool breezy autumn.

Editing stage: 


tend to have a sameness about them rabbiting on about the browns and golds etc. Those only tend to remind me how much I love the glorious fresh shades of spring. This is refreshingly different. I like it.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

I was out today and leaves was spinning high in the wind falling to the ground and I had to write about it; then I saw this tree hanging heavy with little golden fruit that look like Simeon; every thing else I had to create. Glad you like it.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

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