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Aussie Friends

In roads to a poem to be
I shall listen to some music
There as if in the distance is a lady
She is singing Memory
I remember that you live

I recall all the things you taught me
Yet I have to leave you here
One day my name will go.
There on the screen will be a nothing
Then you will have to use “Memory”

He was here you will say to others
What of me then you will think.
As there is no after, you did say,
That to you, I did exist, or did I?

What I know of future ways
That the children taught me so
I shall be so free, to just go
Then I shall visit you there.

A breeze will ruffle the leaves
Of the Gum tree standing still
I will touch the bark, skin the tree
There after I have been, for all to see
A beautiful colour of pink ruby

I will laugh with the Kookaburra
You will say this cannot be
There in your mind will sing “Yenti”
A brief moment in time to spend
Here a physical touch of a friend

Yet how could this be so
The tree will whisper low
He told you long ago
That a place he knew just so
Is where he lives now “You know”

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
A Free Spirit
Editing stage: 


friend Judy
who won't now read thee
is also an Aussie
I hope she doesn't say
Loved get out of my way
as with Ian
you alone are friendly

go see all undiscovered channel
has been SOLELY taken over by me...


It is bad U R and bad U B
Now stop writing comment about me
I wanted to stay there with thee
there where others sometimes never care
One whole space we could share,
Yours as always Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

you are naughty to stirr

i never said i wouldn't read ian
he is my friend
i just said i wouldn't offer suggestions cos he doesn't like to change his poems as he then feels they are not his...

a lovely tribute for jess ian
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Thank you, have you read the "Aussie Army" yet ??
Not that the poems aren't mine, I have always felt that the original work is the poem.
Then as it evolves by others help it becomes something new, and then I feel it just maybe a Co write in its being.
I am sad, that I didn't have poetry as a subject when at school, but leaving at 15 I never learned the ins and out's.
Jess and many others even the young ones have the world out there, your help in writing as all the others is good but as you said we can alway press the revision button.
I had not got the hang of it but will learn one day..
You take care and let your learning spread , Yours Ian.T

PS:- I had been in the Un published screen and cleared out all the poems just leaving Loved and me in there now Loved has gone and sent mine out into the world, LOL

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

is that one of your poems? i couldn't find it in your portfolio...

re editing suggestions - i actually disagree with you - i don't think it is a co-write unless there is new information introduced.

while the idea belongs to the poet, imo it is his/her write

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Aussie Army

Submitted by yenti on Sun, 2011-06-26 14:35

Mounted on a big red.
That is as grey as its rider.
Sits the Great Weird Elf.
He’s so proudly the leader
With a cackling Kookaburra,
on his shoulder.

Feared by so many
His pen sharp as a sword
A pen that was hardened
To the strength of steel
By years of learning
Word cutting, no yield,
without fear he does wield.

A great choice
To lead in the fight
Poetic justice
Their banner declares.

Flanked on either side,
By his maids in arms (Not his Arms)
He fights but causes no harm.

His right hand Maiden
in bright golden lace.
Flowing as the wind,
With beauty and grace.
Blood opals uplift,
the gown to a high,
were given as gifts,
from ancestors gone by.

You should have known.
This is Queen "Seren"
The Aussie Boudicca
Feared by all that see her
A flay made of quills,
over lands words spill.

Strong when needed,
Soothing, to the still.
Made to strike an enemy,
when needed to be.
Astride her Big Red,
as any man you’d see.

Then to the left
In green and gold.
Rides Chez or CC,
so I am told.

Head tipped to one side,
as if listening to all.
A traveller we are told,
cannot settle or be still.

A quiver filled with quills
Ready to shoot, no ill,
Many words at their tips
Scorching the Earth
A slave to no man
Aussie’s “Joan of Arc”
Protecting the land.

Feared by many
When, with her friends,
She loves the sea,
There’s her tranquillity.

Side saddle’s her steed,
Fighting all greed.
This famous three
to be feared by all,
When to poetry, a poet
fail‘s to make the call.

Love’s Y’all, really, Sparrow
Need I say any more LOL

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment
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