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Another Friday Night

She sat inside her ice-cream life
and guessed the number of
bingo markers it might take
to win the jackpot.
Sometimes she questioned why
so many people drove her
crazy. Insulted her.
She divided her friends and lovers
into good and bad directions.

It was raining outside when
she began to cook the supper.
The stove was hot she was cold.
She was always cold in her house,
in her ice vein kitchen with
the pretty white lace curtains
and the yellow-green walls.

Her problems could all be
isolated into one situation after
another. She light a cigarette.
Sitting at her table wondering
if she should cook rice or potatoes
with the meat. It didn't matter.
They'd wolf down the food
without a glance at her effort.

She found she was happier
when the kids were at school and
that man was at work doing whatever.
Impatience wasn't so much her statement
as was unconcern. So what,
she thought, as she dusted her ashes
into the ashtray.

Her memories could stretch so
far back, before this life even.
Yet she knew that what she knew
wasn't really very much at all.
Maybe he really loved her? Who knew?
For her it was only a situation.
She wondered if they'd remember
to take their shoes off at the door.
Her feelings could easily be hurt,
but on the other hand she often
neglected to express herself.
At half past five she'd put supper
on the table. They would sit around it.
Her family sharing the same table
and the same bathroom. Distance.
They were mutually ignorant of
each other.

She put out her cigarette, light another.
She wasn't afraid of cancer, just living.
Working man would be home soon,
right after the kids demanded home.
Sighing she stood up and pushed
the cat away with her foot, irritated.
Checked her purse. Bingo markers
neatly labelled. Another Friday night

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Direction): 
[This option has been removed]
Editing stage: 


the speed of this poem is very much what my experience
on the reserve was like
our bingo hall just a walk away although
most drove...those with cars..
and the routine of life just completely flattens
all the usual formality of a dinner
people fall into the pace rather then the
helpful and kindness that is supposed to
be reserved for each other..

or as the teachings tried to instruct
although this is coming back

In the disorder of the characters life
there is acceptance and this is
redoubled in how her Bingo Markers
are tidily readied for the excitement
and quiet...and possible winnings
which would be something

the consistency of writing
is present from start to finish
and some very good word
flow in descriptors

its a very great poem
the deliberation of character
and story build excellent

Thank You!

A slow waltz through the total boredom of reality to many home locked wives and Mothers:-
just a couple of maybe's here..
She light a cigarette. She'd light
She put out her cigarette, light another. Lighting another.
These lines didn't ring as they should so I have found an answer..
PS:- Good to see you back writing again hope to read more of your works,
Yours Ian

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Lots of great imagery in this piece, and the theme is one that can never be over-done. All in all, an enjoyable read that neither disappoints, nor disenchants!

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