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Editing - draft


Someone who carried me for 9 months
Someone who I would call mom when I said my first words
She was someone who carried me for 9 months
But she was not someone who I said my first words too
My first words were for someone who brought me into life
She took me in at 6 months old
She is my mom

A white mother to brown daughter
Yeah people stared at me
I sometimes got asked if she really was my mother
A white mother
A brown daughter
2020 is really messing up hu?

Desert Flowers

​Graphing out the gridlock,

we waited, wordless,

sifting through labyrinthine sediments,

with questions not paired

with answers.

​How long will justice

stagger through

these deserts?

We plead, urgent. Coordinate now,

since those who darken our doors

will eventually mar your own.

The call

was not gifted. Months

staggered into years. Grief

still grants us checkered memos

in the arid summer evenings.


Finally Dawn

Forever bounded in the shadow.
Prisoner of his reckless urge,
Failure to break free from his maniac grip.
Oiled with his cursed seed.
Bathing lost her touch as cologne her strength,
The stench of shame never fades.

Memories of him hunt my every breath
While Judging hands points towards me,
She triggered his madness and acted victim.
What’s expected of Eve?
Always bent on bringing down the mighty.

Party On...

I guess rules and regulations
prevent my going up in smoke
Except through screens and filters
Should I pass away with a stroke

I'd rather be like the Vikings
set off in a flaming boat
but they won't even let me
wear my leather coat

But, I think that cremation does
make more sense to me
and everyone that wants it
can have a bit [for a token fee]

Have a party on my birthday
and sing "He was a jolly fellow"
Sing my praises to the world
while eating alcoholic jello

I Remember Schenectady... [September Contest]

The streets were full of people
Stores open late on Friday
Money flowed and folks had gold
I remember it that way

Then came the unions' greed
Taxes and inflation
The rich had more than before
There was no satiation

Give us more benefits
Make us richer yet
We don't care about the poor
They're not among our set

Charge them all, what they'll pay
Wring out every dime
Keeping up with the Joneses
We have to look so fine

of Saturdays with jam and cream


The Autumn sun is bright,
yet no heat
is carried on its' rays

All around the morning,
signs of an approaching Winter

The extra jumper I wear
(my fishing jumper)
offers no promise of warmth ~
too many holes for the wind to whistle

On the street
trees crackle in the crisp air
and chimney smoke,
too cold to unfurl,
lays like a sleepy lover
curled around the rooftops

The smell of pine is strong

shoulders are hunched inside jackets
with turned up collars


When July arrived
we left for Mykonos

After the grey of London,
after the cold sliced between us
like the crack of dawn
through a closed curtain,
we thought a month
of light and warmth
was all we needed

All we had
was sex

You wanted me
to suck your cock
that first night

I was tired

Gimme a thousand drachmas
I said jokingly

You did

So I did

Next morning
we strolled the shore
watching local fishermen
clean their catch

Icarus Where Are you?...

One of my favorite pastimes
Flying on the tree-tops
As high in the slender boughs
as I could get

Sunrise is the best time
The world still pretty quiet
The day just waking
About to be on its' business

The rush of the gust, hissing
Telling me of places that it had been
Sometimes, it would still, surround me
Bringing a scent, remembered
Or entirely new

Swaying but unafraid, secure
In invincible youth
I heard and sometimes...
Conquered my fears


All we had was September
pressed between us
like a thorny rose

You were writing that
book of poems
and finishing
a thesis

We would take the walks
searching shops
for vintage clothes

you and your Marlboros
me and my Chanel perfume,
your gift to me on the day
you said my eyes slayed you

I remember you watching
as I received my tattoo,
your eyes following the ink
as it snaked its way across my shoulder

I love you...please

I get a text,
'Have you seen their story' it read,
I said, 'let me check'...
and now i am hoping you're not dead.
I'm crying in the bathroom, sending you text after text...
My sobs rocking my body, as i don't know if death has kissed you yet
My head is filled with drums pounding and pounding and all I feel is pain
My heart clawing its way out of my mouth,
I love you...
I don't know if you can hear me,
But I love you.


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