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Editing - draft

Christmas Cookies... [December contest]

"When the ghost of Christmas future
Sat down next to me
I was just a little startled
Almost spilled my @#&*ing tea!"

He said; Yo man,get a grip
I had to stop, I felt the need
This Covid stuff's a bitch
Ya got some real good weed?

"I was just about to roll one
Boy, this night has been a blast
I was visited by your brothers
The Present and the Past"

"I didn't want to see behind me
I was a lonely kid
I didn't want to see it
But he made sure I did"

Fade Away...

Like a foggy morning mist
That rises with a distant sun
My words come back to me
Barely remembered, until seen

Strange, how they escape so readily
Their stories told by proxy
Written in the blood of electric ink
Frail and prey to the whim of misplaced keys

Someday, they will be lost
Like abandoned tales of somewhere else
Though their remnants will live briefly
In hallowed halls of repeated echoes


My mom is super, her name is Donna, She made me, taught me, raised me, loves me, cares for me, helps me, talks to me, visits me. Without her I wouldn’t be living this wonderful life, and I am grateful for her. She also gave me a sister who I am also grateful for, I would be lonely without my sister. My supermom helps my wonderful grandpa who I am also grateful for. I wouldn’t be inspired to join the military if I didn’t meet or know my grandpa. I hope I can live with them so I can be truly happy.

The Night of Day... [November contest]

In the chill of the night
In the crisp and clear fall
I see the moon and stars
Over the garden wall

Stepping out of the door
Onto the balconey
I watch the night come down
There's no one here but me

Whisper wings of the owl
Gliding so silent by
Mouse that huddles quiet
Escapes the peering eyes

Frosted spears of grasses
Sparkle and hold my gaze
See them different now
Than in the light of day

Silence of the Whistles...

Masked by the noises in my ears
The little voices in my head
Are getting more difficult to hear
As I lie here in my bed

The ringing, buzzing, ticking sounds
Shrill trilling birds of craziness
Won't let me keep my T.V. down
My wife is shouting, "How 'bout less?"

Loss of tones, makes me weep
I cannot hear some voices now
Saying "What?" when voices steep
I Have some people saying, "Wow!"

Addiction of choice

So called decision
Or is it hidden as gamble addiction
Role that dice decide away
At the mercy of a single answer
You against you
Or choice vs outcome
They say it’s luck some say wisdom
None the less I believe
Your choice determines the outcome
Or shall I say rolling the outcome
For surely it is like a game

Kisses Through The Window... [October Contest]

Kisses through the window
Her frail lips are pursed up tight
My eyes squeeze out the tears
So I can see the sight

Of a mother that has nursed me
Through many troubled days
And now, I can't even help her
Though she doesn't need; she says

The speaker-phone is tinny
Not her sweet tones I hear
But I can still recall her voice
Singing soft and clear

Pull Back The Curtain...

The Windows of The Soul
Are not the eyes, it seems
They are the ears that hear
Spoken, broken-hearted dreams

Doors can be locked up
Against the breach of trust
Fling them wildly open
Do not fear an honest thrust

There is no better way
To tell of an honest man
Than to hear their words
Speak of an innocent plan

So, do not meet in darkness
Speak out in brightest day
Let your truth be known
It is the only way

Feeling Run Down...

Specter of death, ever shadows me
I've seen him everywhere
He lurks in the bushes, behind the trees
He's still there, I swear

I've seen him up close a number of times
It's not so very pretty
He stared me down and looked interested
I'm like; "Hey, nothing here to see"

Slipping through his clutches
I've run a million miles
But, as I evade his touches
He offers me up a smile

Covid Karma...

It isn't something to worry about
Says the President
We're coming around the corner
He says with a little pout

Look at Joey Biden
A great big mask, you see?
I think that bastard's hiding
He's so scared of me

Look at me, I'm so brave
I go all bare-faced [lies]
So many lives I could have saved
Don't look me in the eyes

Holding a great big rally tonight
Dems, you stay away
The Proud Boys have come to fight
They heard what I had to say


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