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Editing - draft

On the Dude Ranch (a Villanelle)

Fair autumn came; oh, what a day!
Fresh breezes cool this arid land
While in the pen two fillies play.

It’s sunrise—“Giddy up,” I say.
The rooster crows to beat the band,
Fair autumn came; oh, what a day!

Now Sunday riders come— I pray,
But then bring out the granny stand,
While in the pen two fillies play.

Dudes wear tall hats, but with dismay
I note the sandals I had banned;
Fair autumn came; oh, what a day!

Hark! A Christmas Story (Prose Poem)

In the year 1958 my life stunk like the part of that big city that smelled of stale beer or worse—the constant odor of yeast. Times were hard for this student. Across the street, the neighborhood tavern’s broken sign flickered drunkenly, Sch~itz Beer; one letter had gone AWOL, but what boozer would care, as long as the watering hole was open for business? Shadows dance in the flickering neon light; the mood’s almost perfect—for slashing my wrist.

Song for the old man.

Well, I'll eat at seven,
when I've had my fill
on slithers of lyrics,
wise song, smooth stilled

my nerves with rough wine
and heard all the songs,
the old PM, Leonard on a wire,
and the lyrics tight strung

It was you, the who,
where and why, I sang to

Always you,
I sang to

So I approach a half-century,
a respectable score,
if you like cricket,
or find it an intractable bore

It was you, the who,
where and why, I sang to

Always you,
I sang to


Friday December 11th 19:23 hrs.

The subscriber you have dialed is not available
At the tone, please leave a message

"We got your Christmas card today
just wanted to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas
Call me when you get the chance."

Tuesday December 15th 09:00 hrs.

The subscriber that you have dialed is not available
The message-box is full. Please try again later.

"Damn! He should check his phone."

Saturday December 19th 11:17 hrs.

Pyschodelic Santa...

Filled with Magic Cookies
He trips down the boulevard
Pulled over by the Sheriff
He's blowin' rather hard

Touch your nose, big guy
Keep those reindeer still
Walk this line, toe to toe
What you doin' on "The Hill"?

What's the stuff in your sack?
Where'd you get this loot?
I'm watchin' you big fella
Is that a pistol in your boot?

A pipe, you say; what's in it?
Bet it's wacky-weed
No one rides here at night
Except doin' dirty deeds

Simple words on a bookmark
They chime in my head and I plaster these words around the inside of my skull like posters on a bedroom wall
My head is falling
It hasn’t hit the ground yet, it’s just in a perpetual state of spinning
Forever spinning into the space surrounding my mind
What is my company to you? Would it comfort you to hold your hand?
Maybe I can hold onto your mind too, just for a bit, if you’d let me
“The only thing I can do”

Gardener of Ruins

The garden is seated upon a hill.
It has a gardener in a groove of ruins
Astride hooded cloud of wild unreality,
Galloping on a wave bustling with tales decades ago abandoned.

In these four rambling years,
He scoops up imaginations off the tattered plains of paranoia,
And trades in grating insanity as if in gold and silver.
He is fettered to superstition like a lizard to a tree.

Extended Christmas Cookies...

Christmas Past is nagging me
"Remember... you did this?"
I say yeah, I think I do
But, I don't think that they're still pissed

I've been a real good guy now
For a lot of years
No escapades with women
I can't even have a beer

"But, it's such fun to remind you
Of the words you did not keep
Of the things that you have done
You should be losing sleep"

Christmas Cookies Part II...

The light went dim and I looked around
He was gone without a trace
Took the cookies, that I gave him
Stuffed them in his face

I was getting settled for the night
In my sleeping chair
When I felt a breeze and heard a voice
That whispered; "just beware..."

Oh Shit, com'on, you're kidding?
I got a concience thing?
Damn! I get no rest
As I saw his jewels and bling

half of my entity

hand in hand
in the back seat
of a white jeep

two souls experiencing love
could've been lust
that's not what it was

lovers that stop time

a twin flame

my love
how i adore you
your everything

light of my life
beat in my heart
blood in my veins

a power source
a piece of me

half of my entity


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