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After you left
I thought of you as I

gazed at the moon
feeling every inch of the

238,855 miles
in between

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
"Small Poetry" as encouraged by our fellow poet Michael Anthony ~ L
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I'll need to check out Hamid. Looks very good.
Thank you!

author comment

Superb job as always but this one is special to me.


I'm happy you like this one, and very curious as to why it is special - if you ever care to share.
Thank you!

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I’m given to some thought patterns and behaviors that could be considered “extra” I suppose. I believe if I went through the public school system today instead of 40 years ago I’d likely get some kind of spectrum diagnosis.

Here’s an example, my inability to follow the crowd kept me out of the advanced placement classes. I couldn’t focus enough on the present so I’d be off in my own world and also listening to the lecture. The teachers didn’t like that I could pay attention while goofing off. I never did their ridiculous homework or studied and I got A’s and B’s on every test or quiz. But stupid homework and note taking was like 40% of my grade so I’d get 60% or lower.

Why should I study and take notes on what I know? It’s wasting time. You said it in class, I remembered it (sometimes forever), I passed the test. I know the curriculum down. I’m failing. Why?
What is objective here? To teach me or to program and break my spirit? Because it feels like the latter.

They wouldn’t have me in those classes but I beat all their hot shot nerds in the school geography bee because I looked at the maps in the textbook a couple times. I heard once the moon was a quarter of a million miles away that’s burned in there. The fact that you use such a specific distance is so fulfilling to me because it validates me carrying around the mostly useless bit of information for 35 years.

The moon is getting further away each year, by approximately 4cm. That’s a thing I can’t un know.
The median distance between earth and sun is 93 million miles. The moon is made of the exact same material as earth’s crust. A small iron nickel planetoid hit our young earth. It sheared the crust off and sent it into orbit where it coalesced into our moon. The iron planetoid sank into the mantle and formed the core of our planet. Both the core/mantle interaction and the moon are absolutely necessary for the advent of life.

The iron core with the the liquid mantle churning around it creates a very strong magnetic field. These fields emanate from the poles. (Poles like polarity, not something you raise a flag on). Without this the planet would be continuously sterilized by the radiation from the sun which is after all a self contained nuclear fusion reactor. This is evidenced in the auroras seen in the north and southern polar regions. Mars had a weak one and the solar winds eroded it and then the water disappeared.

The moon creates the tides. If life began in water like the popular theory. The moon was the centrifugal conductor.

I never even read a book on any of this. I heard it once and I got it locked down because it’s interesting to me…but if we met somewhere and you introduced yourself I would forget your name within minutes of that conversation ending. But I’d remember a lot of detail about what you said.

Like I said I’m extra

The "extra" in you seems to be a gift which you are using very well. It shows in your many talents. Thank you for sharing - I'm glad the poem sparked this. I always appreciate your insight and creativity. You are amazing.

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Double comment

As always. No matter how small the poem, always a powerful write. Well done.


You are always so positive - and I am always grateful!

author comment

this poem is soul-fuel!

*hugs, Cat
*ever, eddy

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you for such a wonderful comment! Poetry definitely is fuel for the soul.

author comment

My heart aches, such is the impact of each of those miles.

Absolutely stunning poem.


Much love J x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Many times a poem seems to write itself, and then quietly speaks for itself, too.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Much love,

author comment

I had to come back. This one pulled me back. It's inspired another poem one that was prompted by recent events and this magnificent poem.

Much love J x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Oh, my goodness! So wonderful to see you! If it has inspired, I am greatly humbled and look forward to reading your poem. I hope you are doing well. Again, so wonderful to see you!
Much love,

author comment

we can wal
k up to her
don't fear
jets r near
lovely information u give
keep it a secret

else all will join the moonerthon

I'll watch out for the Moonerthon!
Thank you for reading!

author comment

this is what I call; a BIG little poem!

* love, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Missing someone brings such a vast, empty feeling.
Thank you for reading!

author comment

Very well done. I enjoy your poems very much.

Thank you very much!

author comment

though "small poetry" yet says a lot.
Though mentioning the miles' number is brilliant in a way, I don't prefer them in poetry, but I also see no reason not to state it.
Thank you for sharing this little gem dear.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

So good to see you! I thought that stating the precise number and then using "inch" made the feeling of missing someone much deeper.
Thank you, my wonderful friend!

author comment

A lovely poem I get it completely

Thank you very much for reading and commenting. I appreciate your visit!

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