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Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest




Read the finalists for the Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest and vote for your favorite poem. Voting will end September 19th, 2024. Best of luck to our finalists


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Autumn Rain

By Punkyfrewster

Drops pelt the
fallen leaves
bringing to mind
tears falling
over beauty
and lost love.

Rain bounces
off the
confetti on the
ground like
the damaged end
of a party.



Autumn's Cusp

By scribbler

Mid October a cool day
with a northern cooling breeze.
All hints of summer gone away.
The few green leaves are just a tease.

Tomorrow will bring the first frost
so this day finds me 'neath the trees
absorbing warmth before its lost
and limbering up titanium knees.

For I'm not what I once was.
Time has seen that I am not,
So I sit on a stump to take a pause
and breathe autumn's scent which I'd forgot.

Then turn my face up to the sky
as cool front winds begin to blow.
I watch the clouds as they race by.
They leave like friends I used to know.

My eyes water from sun's glare
so I drop my head down to my chest
letting my chin settle there
while I count the ways that I am blessed.

I'm blessed with our cabin in the trees
I'm blessed with seeing one more fall.
I'm blessed with grandchildren to tease.
I'm blessed with being here at all.

I watch a squirrel climb to its nest
for now the sun is getting low
so ere' it reaches ridge's crest
I arise then turn and go.


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August 2024 Contest Winners

The Winner of the Peace Versus War is Lavender  with the following poem

To Those Who Walked, Peace Versus War


I hope you have a quiet day,
a kissing breeze,
sweet hours at ease
planting flowers, if you please,
and nothing there to rip it all away.
I hope you have that day.

I pray you have a gentle night,
under stars so deep
they soothe and keep
your soft breath flowing as you sleep
beneath the crescent moon and her earthlight.
I pray you have that night.

And may your memories be amended
to blissful skies and green earth, so splendid
that they embrace you when you close your eyes.
May this be the rich life you come to realize.

To those who walked through the blood of yesternight,
I hope for you this day. I pray for you this night.


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The Winner of the 08/24 Too Good to be True  is Punkyfrewster with the following poem

Too Good to be True


In my mind, it was bliss
day in and day out
until the day it ended.

In the rearview mirror,
I saw signs:
far-off gazes to nowhere
as we ate dinner
and stalled conversations
about your day.

All the bliss aside,
our love was just
too good to be true.


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The Winner of the 08/24 I Lost The Instructions is Candlewitch   with the following poem


I Lost The Instructions (to being a woman)


I Lost The Instructions
(to being a woman)

You beat "Her" out of me
leaving my soul tattered.
In the beginning you were kind
warm and jovial, it mattered.

Gradually you began to change
taking me away from all I knew,
from Minnesota to the east coast
an easy ride we drove straight through.

I discovered your evil temper
on our trip, it left me in fear,
knocking me down, kicking me
you bellowed, shouting, making it clear.

You were the boss, and me your slave
seeing the cruel glint in your eye
was an omen of what was soon to come
you would test me in ways to make me cry...

Each new day was a promise of terror
you invented head-games to play.
In fear, I trembled trying to hide
tried not to anticipate the rue of the day.

nights were bad too, I cowered under covers
You brutalized me sexually to hear me scream
threatening to blow my head off my shoulders
losing connection with my idea of a woman's dream!


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The Winner of the 08/24 Broken Air Condition is Kristen H. with the following poem

Broken Air Condition


We never had much more than each other
in the summer of 2016

Adventures on Saturday nights
Two wheels
Two helmets
Two hearts

Lazy Sunday mornings
Two cups of coffee
Two cigarettes burned
Two hands together

There wasn’t much to it
Just you and I,
and our broken air conditioner

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The Winner of the 08/24 Beach Day is  paleoray with the following poem


Shore Watch


Splashing, crashing sound the waves
On the surf and then retrieve;
As the foam spreads on the sand,
While the pipers dash and weave.

High above the seagulls glide,
Circling 'round a sea of teal;
Others swooping close to pier,
Looking for an easy meal.

In the distance dolphins dive,
With their synchronizing breaks;
Dorsal fins shine at each peak,
Then they submerge in their wakes.

Sand crabs scurry back and forth,
Seeking food along the shore;
After catching fish with claws,
Quick they vanish as they bore.

Soon the sun sets in the west,
As the moon brings mirrored light;
Ocean tides smooth out the sand,
While the waves gleam through the night.


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The Winner of the Neopoet Weekly 08/25/24 to 08/31/24 is Twizzle48 with the following poem




Do you hear winter, I hear it coming
That distant growl, there in the wind
Stronger now, than an autumn breeze
With the merest hint of an early freeze
And with no sweet taste like tamarind
But a biting cold that can be numbing

For some, it is a season for celebration
But its hidden scowl suggests otherwise
Hearing threats under its frozen breath
Of ice and snow, laying so still in death
Pretty snowflakes offering cute disguise
As so much of Nature is in hibernation

At least this is true in Northern climes
Just bleak with not much give and take
And still, some try to understand why
As the end of the calendar year is nigh
But there is hope following in its wake
Anticipating the Spring’s warmer times

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Neopoet Weekly 08/18/24 to 08/24/24 Winner!

This Week’s Winner is  Sen99


Venus Tree

Standing here for decades
On one wooden leg
A native English species,
An old grey oak.
Its naked bark bleached,
Ashen white like alabaster.

A nameless uncarved block
Unyielding and proud,
Exposed to the elements.
Wind and weather beaten
An organic body of life
Its beauty gaunt and raw.

Striking to an admirer’s eye,
Picture perfect from a distance
A resilient stone sculpture,
Its arms cut down to stumps.

Like some replica of a classical statue
From some ancient age,
Nature’s beauty,
A timeless art.





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Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest

Try out our newest image prompt contest

Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest

Best of luck to all that enter 

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The poor new newspaper said
Oh yah
now I can paint the rain
And people will believe me

The richest one said
Oh no
And I can invent people who would support your news
So what do you think?

The poor newspaper said
Let us play with nuts and dumb heads
The richest news said oh no
Don’t say that
But say
Let us wash some empty minds
and drive the intelligent ones to madness
think of how much money we can make
pitting the madness against the void

A NIMROD'S BIRTH ( formerly 1st untitled)

I won't have time to post this Monday. Perhaps I'll be forgiven for posting it today

My memory takes me way back when
I was maybe six or eight
a Memphis city kid back then
I know that I could hardly wait

Tomorrow this tow-headed son
goes hunting rabbits with his dad
I just know it's going to be fun
having heard tales since a wee lad

How can I hope to go to sleep
on this cold night in bed so warm......
Wake Up! Time to out of bed creep!
rabbits await and nearly swarm!


bend me with this
crimson crush
you twist me in your heady lush
I churn desired
and admonished
darkness cherish
and lash

bite the torrent
words that flow
and worship
pain that exstacy
extracts below

made me kneel
make me heal


That guy who just flipped you the bird
showing his road rage, the turd
Sundays he's on the deacon's bench
a good man to know when in a pinch

The gray haired man in suit and tie
a banker, hard glint in his eye
each evening hits a different bar
and picks up hookers in his car

See the laborer with crooked teeth
scratch his surface and look beneath
in evenings he carves wood by hand
his figures in museums stand

Blood Summons (eddy styx)

Blood Summons

Garnet beauty issues its liquid invitation
sometimes, calling from miles away.
The summons offers enticement to my inclinations.
Lust rolls over me like the chaotic advance
of a lynch mob, intending to overwhelm my senses.
On the scent, soon I will be fully caught up in its power,
helpless to break the spell of the blood lust until unrestrained,
I strike again...

A Peasant 's Encore

His masculine frame heaved up and down
while he tilled the soil with passion
burrowing his plough lustfully
making furrows in its fertile folds
to sprinkle the seeds within her womb
to be conceived in the warmth of her succulent flesh
yielding to his fervent desire
for baby corns...

With beads of perspiration running down his spine
he wipes the plough of the sated soil
before carrying his masculine frame home
to a hungry wife, a welcome bed
for an encore...

Forgiving Eve

I was told
She ballsed it up
for the rest of us,
led Adam astray,
messed up
God's glorious

Can you hear God,

He loves her
best of all
for making
the first Choice,
for birthing
'The Fall'
her free will,
paving the way
for us all to


"Nature Weeps for it's Wicked"

An infant’s dream possessed by darkness.
Taste its newborn scars.
Lost, with a future gone before birth.
Clandestine memories shattered
in the blink of blinding eyes.

Savage welts blister, upon the foul angels skin.
Broken wings celebrate the dark insurrection
into a glorious destruction.
Dissolved visions plan a vengeance
unbeknown to the victim.

A silver moon sits atop the world
as tadpoles race to their doom.
Creeping fantasies buried
under the secret corners
of her virginal mind’s eye.

Patients, are Virtual

Have you ever "spied" a rainbow
after storm clouds have had their way?
...feeling no "wonder", or enjoyment
because, all the colors had turned to grey;

or maybe, tried to eat fresh strawberries
that you've favored, all along,
to find each morsel tastes like, nothing
then, you know that something's....wrong!

You might "fancy" hearing some music
perhaps, your favorite...for a "treat";
then, find yourself, dissappointed
because, the tune is not as, "sweet".

His worth in pool

His worth in pool

The dripping sweat
ripples his reflection.

He stares drained,
knowing this
battle has

No pleasure in this
changing mirror,
quiet reflection
he trembles.

What was his worth,
he had slaughtered
brothers, fathers
on both sides.
Those with sword,
those he lead.

Would he be
forever the rebel
willing to die
for his people
for beliefs his

He stands,
leaves no image
to the water….


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