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Community News

May 2024 Contest Wins!

Congratulations to our May 2024 contest Winners. 


05/24 Romance was won by Hon with the poem Romance

05/24 New Member Contest  was won by EmanuelSfatcu with the poem Shine

05/24 Ode To A Service Hero was won by Mr joghe  with the poem  A Tribute To The Hero

05/24 My First Car was won by Geezer  with the poem '59 Plymouth...

05/24 My Favorite Childhood Toy was won by Alex Tanner with the poem Granny Overthere.

05/24 Locked In Basement was won by RoseBlack  with the poem Locked In A Basement

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest Winner!

This winning poem of the Mother’s Day image prompt contest is

Mum... You and I by Rula

Let us congratulate Rula on another contest win.

This week the Neopoem is

 Loving You by  hippiemoon

Let us congratulate hippiemoon on another contest win.

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Days before my funeral

That bullet landed 3 inches away from my heart
Nearly if not almost killed me
Roses delivered to me fresh on a daily
I swear you could’ve said I was loved
Clown performances
Gifts and smiles from strangers I only knew by name
Extended time and to my bells ringing
Dark colorful nights
And glittery days
Exhibited before my funeral
All faded the night
The pastor sealed the deal with a kiss
And he locked it with a ring
As my heart laid to rest and my eyes it’s farewell

All my love

Venezuela's Angel Falls cascade down my face
When I think of you my love
I can only imagine how you must have felt
When your seedlings were uprooted from fertile ground before they could sprout
It must have reaped your womb apart to see them depart
Your memories of them fading with each sunset as you wondered if they've been watered and fed compost
I know this because
When you finally found them you watered them with a bucket full of love and compost big enough to fertalise the whole village

The star

Her beauty is a refraction of the sun's warm and gentle touch. Without his light, she would not know here or there, whether there is movement or if she is stationary. She sees herself in his light, and she is seen. She turns the lights out to reacquaint herself with the reality she once knew, it seems the further she gets from the light, the farther it takes her when she steps into the spotlight. She feels overwhelmed and the crowd is raised from the depths as she is propelled into that light... another day... another another life

Poets Advance

On a dark, gloopy, Anti-Matter Planet (AMP)
Oscillating in an alternate universe,
A Judicial Provost (JP) from the Department for Artistic Development (DAD)
Described one aspiring laureate as a “pontificating twiddler”.
Another poet he described as a “pretext for a prig”.

The Judicial Provost praised Wordless, Shakenwords and Jon Wood Knot.
He lambasted free verse and decried Wallace Whitwoman and Esmerald Tonne.
He spewed upon contemporary verse,
In all its manifest forms.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

*Content Warning*
Intimate partner violence and abuse

I know that there will never be justice.
What would justice even be?
He will never have to live in this world after being dismantled as a human being. After being chipped away at piece by piece until he doesn’t even recognize himself.

Whistle Stop Grove

There's A Shady Grove Where The Morning Sun Gives Birth, 'Neath The Boughs Of A Sycamore Tree Where It Teases Mother Earth,

Where The Dew Drops Glisten On To The Grassy Verge And The Ants In Frantic Cycle,
As To Their Lives Purposeful Worth,

"Old Shep " Walks By As To Survey His Dominion, This Empire Soon To Awaken To His Heirs Timely Arrival,

His Majestic Prescence In This Perfect Morning Glory, Wary Of Unwelcome Foe's And Un witting Rivals,

Lost Love.

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

Tattletales And Gossip

Daffodils...those early spring gossips which come to tattle on summer every
year, are my favorite flower.

Don't get me wrong, crocus, tulips and others have been known to gossip and
tattle as well.

Every spring I listen as the flowers tell their tales, the birds vocalize their
wisdom, while the sun brings forth precious rays to offer encouragement to all.

It seems as though every season has its gossips who find it necessary to tattle
on the season ahead, also on one another.


She could not stop questioning why I loved her.
How could I choose her? She used her scars as weapons,
cutting the offering into ribbons of doubt and hesitation,
never able to accept my assurances with her cutlass drawn.

Night meets light!

The darkness breaks, the dawn arrives
the blackened night confounded.
The spirit voice, which speaks within
consoles and is resounded!
Gently now, it calls to you
comforts and surrounds you.
The guilt you feel is swept away.
Release the past behind you!
Your memory the battleground
no longer seeks to find a cure
accepting natures calling!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.