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June 2024 Contest Winners

June 2024 Contest Winners


The winner of the 06/24 Living With Depression is Rula with the following poem


A Way Out

Submitted by Rula

As night pulls down its wild dark curtains
And heavy eyelids drop lazily,
I ponder with spider-like loomed shadows,
Thoughts torture my broken, weary soul.

Everything around my room plays tricks;
Shadows with shattered hearts wander,
Carrying bloody, slaughtered dreams,
All howl, moan in pain, "that's insane, that's insane."

I seek a way out, is there no escape?
The door's locked with heavy chains.
Windows, it seems, are all covered with tar,
Behind the sill, bars add weight.

Then more spirits seep in, multiplying,
From nowhere, to heighten the scene.
I try to cry, but my own voice chokes me,
Then a louder voice declares, "There is no way out."


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The winner of the  06/24 Bucket List is Clentin with the following poem



My Bucket List

Submitted by Clentin

I fell in love with a heart so true,
I cherish moments, both old and new.
I learned from failures of the past
I pray these actions will always last

My bucket list as a young man, so vast,
A journey of self-discovery, meant to last.
I chased my dreams with passion and might,
In the pursuit of life, to find the light.

Now that life is closer to the end
My bucket list begins to bend
A list once so big and wide
Now is small but full of pride

I no longer wish for cars or money
I seek love and comfort and a bit of honey
I want to see my family live with success
Free of illness free of stress

                                                   To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


The winner of the 06/24 My First Internet Memory is Hon with the following poem.

My First Internet Memory-Google Search

Submitted by Hon

My first internet memory
this brings me to the
introduction of the
tutorial study through
the google online
surfing with the
fascinating of
opportunity to acquire
for a learning desire in
a science technology
of today’s global world
This interest starts from the
online searching to discover
unlimited learning ability tools
like an encyclopedia collection
with the resource information
for one share a broad
knowledge of understanding
through the adventure of
Internet Explorer with many
interesting selecting topics


                                              To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


The winner of the 06/24 Five Percent Battery is RoseBlack with the following poem


Five Percent Battery

Submitted by RoseBlack

Running off fumes,
choking on smoke.
Sucking exhaustion
through pasty lips.

Engine's down a quart,
burn out,
Dark circles tell all,
who is about to fall.

Mercy lights,
Low battery,
jumper cables ignite.
Knock down, drag out fight.

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The winner of the 06/24 Overdraft is Geezer with the following poem


Overdraft the Monster

Submitted by Geezer

As the wind howls, I am reminded...
Reminded of the rippling sheet of rain,
a silver curtain billowing across the roof.
There will be water in the attic.

There is an overdraft there, going over.
The spirit of the storm, travels so fast,
it carries water over the edge, to the window below;
dropped, it clings to the wall, and sneaks in.

I've known about that overdraft, for quite some time.
I watched it as a child, awakened by the wind.
The monster that ate at my home, needed company,
I heard the pitiful moans, as the spirit tore at the shingles.

Now, we are together again, the spirit and I;
I am tempted to join it as it drags its familiar water
over the edge and into the draft, but no!
I cannot cling to the wall and re enter the house.

That would be an overdraft that I could not afford.

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Neopoet Weekly 06/23/24 to 06/29/24 Winner

This week’s winner is Mini with the following poem


The unexpected

Submitted by Mini


Falling in love with you
Is the most astonishing thing,
For I never imagined
That eyes so blue
Could captivate me so deeply,
Preoccupying my mind
With your enchanting presence,
Becoming a light
In my dark path,
In the coldest winter,
In the night sky
And joy
In sorrow



                                              To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Neopoet Weekly 06/16/24 to 06/22/24 Winner!

This week’s winner is Kristen H with the following poem


To Unlove You

Submitted by Kristen H.

I'm learning how
To unlove you

It hurts worse than loving you,
Knowing you don't love me back.

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Summer Image Prompt Challenge Winner!

The winning poem of the Summer Image Prompt Challenge is




Submitted by Mary Beth Magee

She bobbed there in the gentle swell,
The little boat I knew so well.
The sail wrapped tight along the boom
Gave me a feeling of dark doom.
I saw no anchor chain hung down
To stop her, lest she run aground.
No one sat in her empty bow.
No hand controlled her keel just now.
A gentle breeze set her to rock.
How did she get loose from the dock?
As the breeze caused her to turn,
I spotted paint along her stern.
Rough letters where my name had been -
The words now looked like "Mortal Sin."
What had he done in dark of night?
Was he convicted by dawn's light?
Then in the reeds beside the dock…
What I saw gave me quite a shock.
A body, face down, on the lake,
Could it be him, for heaven's sake?
Please, no, I prayed and backed away.
What pushed him so, I cannot say.
I didn't dream that he would dare.
I only know I lost him there.

                                                          To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Neopoet Weekly 06/09/24 to 06/15/24 Winner!


This week’s winner is Lavender with the following poem


Winning Poem


Submitted by Lavender

A falling star settled on my rose,
a diamond dipped in velvet clothes.
I dared not touch the pure gift
sent from heaven, so swift,
but let it rest there
in such sweet air
and comply
to my


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


All In My Head

you tore through my memories
and took what you wanted
until you were the only thing left.
you burned a dream on my eyes
and it made too much sense
how my unconscious can be so unkind
and i couldn't sleep because
i couldn't close my eyes
every time i did you were there
stealing memories
branding dreams.
the eyes are windows to the heart
and sometimes the shades get heavy
and start slipping
so i let them slide;
maybe if i faced you in my head
i could get some sleep



the humiliation of living.
The anguish of breathing.
Feeling every solitary second,
desolate inconsolable.

Jealousy and rage eviscerating.
Body racked with pain,
anger seething.
Tolerating existence,
Heart receading.

Check out, Cash in,
vacate this world.
Forsake this planet,
embrace oblivion.

Riddles,,, Master of Confusion

Ridicule me not
though I am the master of confusion
And entangle minds in maze
I am a mighty ocean of bliss
after my queer puzzles clotted like a web
are logically disentangled.

Riddles - that is my given name
Master of mysteries
Teacher of logic
With flattery tongue, so smooth
Like wool of cotton

But I am abrasive too
that is to them who claim wise
try me with all the adjectives
and find me not lacking

when the water lily speaks

Intersecting triangles and connecting dots
jumbles of words
on a silver and gold charm bracelet,
your head jingling on her belt.
You laughed.
The goddess in her disguise
bested and played you for
all she is.

You must dance to her tune,
disembodied from the neck down.
She is without mercy.
She is your soul.


life is like a rose
short and sweet
long and painful
like petals always gleaming
our life can always be streaming
never settle for less
unless you want to impress
the past is the the past
live in the future.
life is like a rose
but also sharp painful and cruel
there is no way around it so you have to duel
the struggles, pain
but remeber you can always gain
sure you can lose
but its up to you to choose.


fuck with clarity
the wound
bittered with ache
when all the junk that is life
reminds you that your still
a cunt in wolves skins

piss on the kills and routes
kept that are sacred
sleeping in beating heart
to wake with life the bitch
you serve

let the tracking collar dig
in and wear thick
its just another prick
fucking eternity with
thoughts like raindrops
lost in rain

Reverend Director V...

What's this? there are some voices
Footsteps in the hall
No one supposed to be here
Just the Reverend, that's all

Girlish whispers and angry murmmers
"We will kill him now"
He's done it to all of us
No more; and that's our vow

A dozen girls filed in slowly
Steak-knives and clubs of wood
Killer shrank back hiding
Should he stop them if he could?

Judge and Change (prose)

We cannot judge when change
Comes to others with the past

Have we not seen a cocoon
When it releases the butterfly

Have we not seen the night
Become the clarity of day

Can we not say it's possible
Yet we see it with a next day

Yes that's right, we are change
With every second that passes



I woke to a heavy mist
a blanket dark a dank
covering the earth where
I lay that night.
the stench of death
stained the air
reaching cities far and near.

I lifted myself from the ground.
looked around to see
who was left besides me.
an icy cold passed through
my soul
shadows I once knew
strong and bold.
and for the pity of it
I did but swoon

Where is love.

in a broken smile you mask an ocean of pain.
tide rises and lowers, it drives you insane.

your eyes tell a story. you cant hide.
they marvelously reveal the devistation inside.

hard to breathe. hard to think.
hard to love. hard to blink.

in your home there should be no fear.
you're constantly asking "what am i doing here?"


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.