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Neopoet Weekly 06/09/24 to 06/15/24 Winner!


This week’s winner is Lavender with the following poem


Winning Poem


Submitted by Lavender

A falling star settled on my rose,
a diamond dipped in velvet clothes.
I dared not touch the pure gift
sent from heaven, so swift,
but let it rest there
in such sweet air
and comply
to my


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Summer Image Prompt Contest Vote

Please read the following poems

And vote below.

Voting ends June 19th 2024





By:  Mary Beth Magee


She bobbed there in the gentle swell,
The little boat I knew so well.
The sail wrapped tight along the boom
Gave me a feeling of dark doom.
I saw no anchor chain hung down
To stop her, lest she run aground.
No one sat in her empty bow.
No hand controlled her keel just now.
A gentle breeze set her to rock.
How did she get loose from the dock?
As the breeze caused her to turn,
I spotted paint along her stern.
Rough letters where my name had been -
The words now looked like "Mortal Sin."
What had he done in dark of night?
Was he convicted by dawn's light?
Then in the reeds beside the dock…
What I saw gave me quite a shock.
A body, face down, on the lake,
Could it be him, for heaven's sake?
Please, no, I prayed and backed away.
What pushed him so, I cannot say.
I didn't dream that he would dare.
I only know I lost him there.



Summer Image Prompt Challenge-Sailing

By: Hon


In the sailing wind blow
pacing along with the flow
feeling at ease and contented
under the vast blue sky
the spray of the fresh air
embarking on a new journey
traveling miles far apart
carrying with a curious mind
awaiting for a new opportunity
embracing with a sense of hope
bringing with an emotional ride
through many different stages
at the endless spending time
finding own destination
with each tale of the story
comes with lessons
instilled with the thought
life is a learning experience
that takes where it goes
a place that holds special
to the heart that embraces
like home





Vote Here


Thank you for your Participation!


Neopoet Weelky 06/02/24 to 06/08/24 Winner!


This week’s contest winner is hippiemoon with following poem:


By: hippiemoon

Years from now,
We will be dead and buried.
Your laugh nothing more than
A whisper in the wind,
A breeze carrying off dandelion wishes.

Our headstones will rest together,
Aging together, as we did in life.
Tears from our loved ones will mix with rain
And our memory will fade with the engravings.

And years from now,
We’re forgotten by everyone but the Earth.
They will dig our bodies up
And find our bones entwined in each other’s arms.


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Congratulations to Shelby Pryor for winning this week’s contest


Something New

Rain rushes from the skies
Mixing with a single tear
The wind cuts through
Like every doubt, every fear

Lightning shatters my peace
Like the pieces of my mind
A distant thunderclap mocks
Of the girl I was and left behind

A tornado rages in my head
Demolishing my peace and joy
I plaster on a smile for you,
But it's just a tactic I employ

The fear paralyzes my heart
Yet I'm so tired of being afraid
It is time to get up and fight
Before my resolve starts to fade

My fingers curl around my sword
I lift it high, I've got my armor on
I bring it down with all my strength
Until the shattered pieces are gone

There is no fixing the girl I was
No use in buying time with glue
The only solution is to shatter her
And forge with fire Something New


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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I am me; my very own me

Do not hail or scorn me
Let me be me
For nothing else corny or cynical
Humorous or dangerous
Moves or "un-moves" me

I’ve searched and have found myself
I’ve reaped the truth of myself
For whatever skin I wear like the chameleon
To please or displease the world
It is still me – my very own me

I may or may not be
the hero the world expected
The prodigy you predicted
Even if I were or weren’t,
It will still be me
Deep inside that hide


Was it ever really here?
that running ground for hare and deer,
a perfect mix of dell and wood
where hickory, oaks and larch all stood.

Land which rolled from flat to steep
cut here and there by gullies, deep,
divided by a marshy stream
so peaceful... it now seems a dream.

But that was in those younger days
recalled now through years of haze;
the memory may be mere ideal
yet it doesn't have that feel.


dont show the worth

peepshow visions
from the earth

Your fingers are talking
through tangle hair
the restless crowd draws
in the hushed air
and you silence them
with your steady stare

something within moves
the clockwork of you

beneath the shaded sky
of fallen grey
where shadows creep
searching for prey

Black K-Night Ninja

Who is that?
lurking amonst the shadows
like a black cat

always hides his face with glowing eyes
swingin his nunchuku ..
to your suprize

He's a so called ninja
rasied out of Tokyo
without his face paint but still a Juggalo

Battle of Creativity

A scream echoes
In a crowded place
As a volley of thoughts
From voices battling to try
And manipulate

A screening of images
Flash like a newsreel
Capturing momentary scenes
In a capsule of time
That cannot be reached

An invasion on concentration
Collapses a coherent mind
Into indecisive muddle
That produces babble
From un-controllable lips

Inspired Love

Love is a spring,
a fountain of igniting hope,
to match a birth of an entity
that is you.

Then you get the touch
of a loving mom's fingers
your own delicate ones curve in
you know you are
being loved by someone.

The sojourn of life
takes care
each one of us has a share
of love and hatred,
as a pair,
none can be spared,

Lorna’s Path

The path she took she knew,
knew so well
by her footsteps padded,
a button toe and tiny heel
sole flattened way
below the pines,
a strung winding
trodden line to her friend.

So many times
she traveled
sometimes eyes closed,
bare foot familiar,
feeling brown needles
soft sand
wandering roots
just where they should be,
route touches of
assuring signs,
breeze wisped
in tree cloaked
rustling forest fabric,
wrapping the nearby
watery sounds.

The Fortune Cookie

I finished my Chinese meal all at once
and stared at the cookies like some sort of dunce.

When I read my fortune I did not understand
from the small piece of paper, I held in my hand.

It said that my next days wouldn't be "fun",
and that my plight was to live like Attila the Hun;

I wasn't real comfortable about eating alone
but, I paid off the bill and went straight to the phone.

I placed my phone call from the diner's phone booth
in search for my date for lunch, my friend Ruth.


Shh! I'll sneak this in after the kids have gone to bed

First you take time to inhale
then cock your head and look at me.
Your smile reveals some hidden tale
or pleasure at what soon will be.

Next I'm held in gentle hand
which guides me to your waiting lips,
anticipation becomes grand.
Your lips open as if for sips.

My rim now enters soft warm mouth
as if finding a home long lost
in damp darkness way down south
as control is nearly lost.

Eat beans with me

My brother likes beans a lot
Sometime in a porridge mixed
With plantain, potato and yam
I like bean cake called Akara
Beans are eaten in many ways
Blended with season and spices
Boiled in bowls, my moi moi
So served with rice and stew
Cook beans, make it all soft
Add onions, pepper and leaves
Cray fish, dry fish and oil
With salt to taste, let it cool
Welcome to wonder world


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.