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They are the red
on the flag

too often lowered
to half staff

Editing stage: 
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Not Explicit Content


have vividly drawn an imagery of red which signifies blood, dead people ( killed in a battle field!) I Believe a flag in a half mast means giving last respect to the armed forces, (The falling heroes!)

What a beautiful quatrain you have showcased here.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


While the red in the flag of the United States represents strength and valor, and pays due homage and respect to those brave men and women who have given their lives for us, this poem was written after yet another school shooting here in our country. We cannot seem to figure out how to keep our citizens safe, not even our innocent children while attending school.
Thank you for reading,

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I was so saddened and maddened to hear of the latest school shooting. Keeping them safe seems like it should be so simple but it isn't. This world has grown into such a terrifying place. Your poem is a wonderful tribute to those that have served and given their lives for us. Well done.


Our flags once again lowered. Our children deserve better.
Thank you for reading, my friend,

author comment

Great poem reflecting the current state if affairs in the US- guns, guns and more guns. When will something be done? When will our leaders put life ahead of money so can continue their poor jobs!

I'm sorry for such incidents.
Your words summed up the anger and sadness that humanity feels.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I remember the first few incidents were unbelievable - no one could wrap their head around the thought of their child not being safe at school. Except for being at home, school was considered one of the safest places for a child. Now it is no longer unbelievable. It hurts us and we shake our heads, lower our flags, but we accept that it is possible. Will we ever go back to feeling safe. Will we ever get it right...
Thank you for your thoughts, my dear Rula.

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Firearm deaths claim more lives of children and teens in the U.S. than disease or car accidents. When a person lets that sink in, it is brutally alarming. Our children should be safe attending school.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.

author comment

How can this be the norm? It’s just so blatantly obvious that some more stringent regulations concerning fire arms need to be administered immediately. It’s past time we looked at the issue for what it is and lockdown some of this.

I’m sad. Your words are perfectly conveying this emotion I’m feeling. The fourteen words (including the title which is pivotal and necessary information for the delivery of the poem) are surreal. It’s a surreal feeling and you wrote it in so few words with such tact and emotion. I think you’ve got a great poem here despite the aftermath of the deplorable events it describes which have become normalized in our current culture.

A+ political and humanitarian commentary
A+ poetry


Warmest regards and hugs to you and yours.

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