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Not really

We don’t change, not really
We age as we must
Time possesses us a surely
As it turns us all to dust
Once we were young and thought that we
Would be this way for ever
But time plays his tricks to see
If this world we could weather
So we drifted far apart
I was lost and all at sea
You managed to make a new start
Husband and a family
But time was not your friend
And you found yourself alone and lost
Everything must have a end
And everything a cost
Separated by time, we found each other
This time we held each other securely
The way you hold a long lost lover
And we hadn’t changed, not really.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I can feel your disappointment and want to console you. I have lived in a similar situation and have felt the emptiness of
what I think your predicament entails. Your poem is very well written and you are right. If we do change it ain't much. We just do the best we can when we can and that's about it. Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time. Keep writing it really helps.

What we write here and now affects the direct future. So please do not stop writing!


author comment

Or did they? Are we talking about an actual reunion here or the desperate longing?

I don’t want it to be sad so I’m going with actual reunion. I’m could be wrong of course but I’m a romantic and truly believe in love.


Time is an enemy, so said Jonas Helborg. It robs us of our youth our passion, virtually everything. Although I'm
not a romantic. I also long for companionship and have found myself in a similar situation. To some extent I agree with
what you have written, but I wish that I had taken more time in choosing a spouse. Having been divorced for ten years
with four children I can definitely see that we truly don't change very much. We simply do our best with the luggage we
packed. I hope that if this is your reality that you'll receive the things that you really need without the pain of sorrow or regret. I loved it contained a romantic feeling wrapped in a nice container of wisdom.
The difference between a rut and a grave being that one has an open end!
Thanks, I thought it was great!

What we write here and now affects the direct future. So please do not stop writing!

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