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Writer's Block Near Midnight

Eleven fifty-two
and my brain
stared at the sleepy
white space

while the blinking
cursor on the screen
tormented me

as if to say,


Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Tried a bit of visual poetry by placing an imagined blinking cursor, l , between its supposed words. Dunno...
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Inspiration is an emotional torment. I'm sure of your restiveness! Nothing more than to lay your beautiful eggs on paper. Simple yet a lot said here.

Favorite lines: '

while the blinking
cursor on the screen
tormented me' - Excellent imagery!

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


Thank you for reading! This was meant to feel light with hopefully a touch of humor as I tried to visually describe the words of the blinking cursor.
Thanks, again!

author comment

I've been there, too, lol. I liked it and could relate. I find the real problem is after I get to bed... cannot shut down the cursor in my mind.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

The cursor in the mind - perfect description! Thank you for reading this little ditty.

author comment

A delightful read. It's almost same time here and I don't really wish "the cursor on screen" thing to visit me though it often does :)
Thanks for the smile.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you so much for reading. The curse of the blinking cursor...

author comment

Every night I am telling myself to go to bed and every night I am still scrolling my phone at dark thirty in the morning. A wonderful, simple write and great use of imagery.


Yes, sometimes the poem is on the tip of my fingers, but just not ready to pour itself out and I'll sit and stare at that darn blinking cursor :)
Thank you for reading!

author comment

I know that feeling as well! Then all of a sudden, it just seems to flow.


nicee feelings happen to all who at this time with sleeping are faulting

ok goodnight we sleep...

That's true!
Thank you!

author comment
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