Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Attention new members!

We've had quite a lot of new members lately and I address this mostly to you. I've been going through the 'Undiscovered Poems' list, poems that have received no feedback. I've also been checking the statistics on people who post a few poems and don't return. We care a lot about Neopoet and want it to be a friendly and helpful place.

Jan. Contest

Anybody who has posted a poem meant for Jan. contest who has NOT put (January Contest) beside the title needs to do so or risk being overlooked in contest.

Neopoet Referendum #7 - The Lab Vote yes

Unlike most elections where Americans and most Western democracies you have a choice between arseholes who want to exploit you ruthlessly or those who want to exploit you pretending not to be ruthless at Neopoet you have a choice to make things better.

Vote no, nothing changes.

Need Opinions ?

Need opinions..
The unfortunate and sad truth is that the hair on top of my head is slowly but surely going away. I don’t have cash for replacement surgery and quite frankly, the thought of it scares me as I don’t want a dead possum sewed to my scalp.
Option one- continue to keep it short and let nature continue its miserable course.
Option two- dive head first into baldness and shave it all off...

Chris (vandiemenspeak) Hall and myself are happy to do them for you or teach you how to do it yourself.
Many people have found it invaluable in hearing their voice in another's voice purely to improve their work.

Yet we have got very little feedback. There is quite a lot of work involved which we are happy to do if you get value from it,

We would love some feedback on this, please.

The Roller coaster Ride

Keep a strong connection beneath the river edge shadows in the dark..Look straight forward in the struggle, Very deep..Some insist on getting their own way in life..But we must take part of service..What's the world coming to..leave behind not the slightest thought to read a sorted novelty. Awake to provide a distant novelty getting cut to the knees. I'm waiting for someone to come out some where...Life is like a roller coaster you have heavy good days and then you fake the speed,Today is the only moment that you have very touching with words.

January contest

This being the start of a new year let's write on the affect that changing one's perspective from the past to the future can affect a person. Check out the "contest" tab for particulars and have fun......stan

Surrealism and the Sacred by Celia Rabinovitch,

Across the spectrum of religious experiences—from the archaic and chthonic experience of sacred power to organized religion—surrealism arises in that elusive threshold between the sacred and the profane, between the illuminations and of everyday life and the more formal expressions of the sacred. The mysterious, contradictory nature of this liminal zone is embodied in surrealist literature and art: matter becomes metaphor; the ordinary object becomes extraordinary; and images evoke emotional disturbance and ambiguity rather than specific ideas.

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year everyone! Great opportunity to move forward with a new heart, mind, and attitude; full of forgiveness and holding no grudges. We all need to take inventory of our own faults and owe up to them. Apologize if we've offended and extend grace where needed. Enter a new season of freedom with a clean bill of emotional and spiritual health. May the God of all peace give us wisdom concerning this. Stay close to Jesus in 2019!

Hope For The Hopeless

Happy New Year, my friends! I have no resolutions, only a promise of continuous effort in working to achieve the goals and dreams that define my life. There is no real timetable on work that will remain forever in progress, but there is faith, courage, strength, and resolve. May 2019 bring each of us the experiences necessary to help shape us more fully into who we truly are. Peace.
We all intend to come together within the outskirts of our great design let your feelings flow
Further, life is like a circus and we parade along as the clowns;


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