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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Sunshine (Mindful Memorable Freeform: The Challenge)(:-)

The sun came out at night, it was a reflection
The moon came out in the daytime it was real
The stars are there day and night I see only half.
Take these things in, and know what you see.


light flickers and glows
fickle and fancy in manner
illuminating illusion,
and the almighty hallucination
playing hocus pocus
with the mind's eye,
teasing truth to tears

I've seen love in pink charade
death as escapade
monsters grining from under the bed
jaunty parades of the lingering dead

forever the cosmic clown,
wildly firing jolts and bolts,
knows no bounds of brilliance
or terror

An Opening.

For Nothing is aught else but Cold
and Nothing thrice is nothing more.
Chief requisite that aught is told
in epopee, archival lore
needst something wrought of nothing come to be.

Eternity does not begin.
Time renders never back its flow.
The Flame will have not origin.
Ablaze thru All and Aye, ergo
‘tis paradox the Will that would be Free.

Another Chance

God have mercy
Give me another chance
Let me erase the past
And redraft my cast

My life has been
A big mistake
Lord, give me power
To cut and paste

Oh, how I’d like
To change my life
Especially the parts
I’ve cried and sighed

Can I choose
the actors in my play?
If so, it'll be
my happiest day!

Your Holiness, give me
Insight to realise
What is going on
Inside their closed minds.

the third sex

you define love so beautifully…only with a subtle difference …you are an idealist
today’s world is sexiest…they still feel
‘’’love lies between the thighs’’
that's what makes the world come out
from closets
as gays
and lesbians
the third sex LGBT
ought to also be recognized
as the channels of sex
as human minds are as different
as the urinary tract and hearing system


summer’s nighttime dreaming
streaming sweat of discontent
sleep tortured till dawn’s light
and morning breezes

trains weeping
high in the night
as they leave the station
to take me
to safe hiding places


long before the hinterland
the winterland


nights against the dark hue of ebony
star raker stellar gardens

walk with me on the wide bermed beachs
sift for the gleam of amber
sip the cup of ambrosia from an
old war flask

"The best of both worlds"

you sigh wiping a strand of
hair from an eye

there are jungles of kelp
in the West you tell me
tall as an apartment block
full of life

you have dived

Coming Of Age

Coming of Age
Yearly Autumnal advent, foreshadowing
Winter's austere inevitability.
Fragile leaves come easily fluttering,
spiraling to the ground.
Soon to become crisp and thin,
in a state of Mother tree's reluctant discards.
Some rest at her feet
under her branches near her trunk.
Waiting to be raked into piles
until children come to jump in the gatherings.
The more adventurous of her offspring
take off riding the wind to
distant places, without a care

The Arrogant

The Arrogant's been here for years,
roaming the Earth, the lavish land,
sowing the seeds of dreadful fears,
with His own brutal, cruel hand.
Most oft than not, He killed his friend
His father, brother and His kin,
and purposefully committed
the forbidden and utmost sin.

As deep as the layers of Earth
go the folds of this rumbling tale,
to tell little 'bout hatred's birth
as well as love's successive fail.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.