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They say there's an arrow
That seeks out the heart
Of a man who profanes in the West-
We've been silent so long,
But now, in guise of a song,
This man puts all of our patience to test...

And, if Tolerance is the name of the game,
Then, the end of your game is in sight;
What should be no surprise is:
If you make compromises,
You writers might as well tempt Righteous Might...


Margaret Ann Waddicor January 28th 2011.

The night has closed the door of day,
and indigo reigns supreme,
we stand and watch the stars come out,
and dream.

How still the visions magical
take on
their costumed dance of spiralling with light,
sending auras far and wide e'en for millennia,
for us it seems forever, that ephemeral phenomena,
we try to hold in check,
and grasp,

Clueless Poet

Should I be here I wonder
Amongst all you great poets
I am just a beer mug among champagne glasses.

Clumsy, intoxicated
Crushed in the muse of my mood
No sparkling bubbles of imagination.

Just the same flat monotone
Clueless in comprehension
A chunky Neanderthal sitting at the bar.

All my froth blown to the wind
A tasteless brew underneath
I long to feel the refinement of your power

Two's Company...

The whimpers came from deep in the dark
Between the buildings grey
Killer heard them, from in the park
It seemed to be that way...

Curious to see, what made the sound
He strained to see through gloom
Walking slow, turning round and round
He heard the cry of the doomed

A dog lay panting, slashed and broke
In the trash from the big high-rise
He dropped the roach, after one more toke
And knelt with a little sigh

Fragile Connections

Fragile Connections
by: Caitlin Mattison

Moon, Stars, and planets awaken to the night
Patiently their light's awaited...
The watcher in me rewarded
By this heavenly display beyond
The sight of soft tingling fire in the skies
Meanwhile, back on Earth...


Wanting Love Forever.

Some people stay together, some don’t even try
some just don’t know how to, some just don’t see why.
They don’t believe in love, for someone broke their hearts
now they say goodbye to love, before it even starts.

But we believe in Forever, loving like we do
giving love to each other, in the things we do.
Caring about each other, more than just ourselves
hands and hearts together, wanting love forever.

Where are the Children?

The minister practices
his sermon in, word
forgetting his deeds
are all that are heard;

The politician is running
for another term, at the task,
not sure of his intentions
no one thought keen, to ask.

"To be perfectly honest..."
to sell his wares, he must lie
the salesman in him
bids him, to try;

Father is barely providing
for the family,
if mother complains
there's no harmony.

The Atlantic

There were rumors you stood tall
In the cool summer breeze
There were truths in glasses
Confused murmurs gathered in masses
Till brown changed the leaves
And here in this room
I can hear
The tapping of souls
Dancing across heavens doors, and into the womb

Soraya M.

Can I pray
without uttering a word,
even to God?
Can my hands shake
can I
cover my head with enough ashes?
Could I clothe myself in burlap?
When I close my eyes to sleep,
if Jesus is my Savior,
and not the Savior of the world
what kind of man am I?


I trace your jaw line with my tongue. 
Tasting salty flesh.
I surround your Adams Apple with my lips.

I kiss my way down your chest
With gentle suction. 
Then nibbles causing, sensuous reverberation   

Phallic surrender, as you pay attention
and I travel lower.
Caressing with my hand.

The target is found and zero in,
I go in for the kill
and you surrender.

Moist lips lock
erotic after shock.
We lose control.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.