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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Secrets can't be shared
No one can ever tell them
With suspicions they are paired
Slips of paper in the Golem

Raise the dead, you might regret it
Feet of clay can turn to dust
There will be a final debit
And pay for it you must

But man is man, and he must know
What he can and cannot do
Though the wind begins to blow
He adds the two and two

Plans must work, but often fail
Sometimes, they just don't work out
But the thought, it will prevail
In his ravaged mind, it shouts


Speak to my ear
carrying you
the flights
the corners
with their worn
the paint skin
scabbed by the
dead lightbulb

At the landing
we untie our shoes
slip off the boots
your jacket damp
with snow

and smiling you place
your palm upon
my chest and wave
a tempo with a free

you are drawing contours
on old grounds
angles on no mans land
"its a rush"
you breath



The tide turns
And begins pounding the shore
Persistent eroding
Harder and faster
The uncontrollable force
Breaking down the defence
Constant corroding
Faster and harder

The tide turns
And retreats its brutal attack
Erasing its resistance
Softer and slower
The monstrosity recoils
Leaving its destruction
For another day
Slower and softer

I feel my insides churn
You have the upper-hand
Leaving me vulnerable
Upon the blood soaked sand

Finding Salvation

Looking for my salvation
no Almighty did I find
in street’s dark pathways.

Where to find my God?
I searched in pristine chapels.
I chanted verses

of sacred scriptures for hours.
I heard learned priests
tell ten commandments,
extol blessed sacraments.

Until I sat in silence,
where He found me!

They say what do you ask Him?
I ask for nothing
only to feel him/her here.
I listen for Yahweh’s voice;
messages gather, resting
on my still, quiet mind.


I was created this past spring
atop a tall and leafy thing.
By avoiding a late frost
neither I nor all my kin were lost.

Survival of my small drab flower
high up in this woody tower
led to my being pollinated
by pods that are most underrated.

By the time full leaf out came
I was ahead in this one game
to becoming more than just a nub
in the forest's central hub.


as eclipse
the light
hovers at
the edge

you meet day
fresh cut from night
you are flush with
nights stars garland
on this soul

a voice of wind
in barren limbs
and i know the cold
comfort you wait
upon me

Silent Quill


a grated gate in midnight's light
once fell upon a sorry sight
as rain washed out the scarlet stain
the skies bowed down to hear the pain

a voice without a body heard
the sordid tale its waist did gird
one witness found, torn leaf by leaf
Creation's glory sank to grief

a tale no word was writ nor said
into the ground the silence bled
a soaked and orphaned quill remains
fraught with want of trilled refrains


I tread a worn and weary track
The risk of snipers at my back.
I’m under assault, I can’t relax,
I am alert twenty four seven.

I lose focus for one moment.
start to enjoy life,
and adversity attacks;

Bloody nose, eyes and ears
Flushed face full of tears

Full-blooded, strike back
My defence is to attack

I’m fired upon from the ranks
The guns chattering in my ears,
Need to take cover.
And toss few grenades back.

I’m out of control.
The world rejects me
And I reciprocate

Victims of Twilight

I've researched, and I've written
about when, "twilight time" appears,

history proves it's different each night
and there's something about shadows, and mirrors.

But, I can tell you something
that narrows it down, even more,

just grab an odd numbered moonbeam,
and, you'll be gone before your feet hit the floor!

That's not to say it happens, everytime,
it depends greatly, on ebb and on flow;

Shut Up Sometime

Shut Up Sometime

Some people talk too much
never shut up
and never listen

Words like rain continue to fall from their lips
a door that can't be closed
and a wooden idol that can't be heard

Shut up sometime
make the world a better place
and stop tuning out knowledge

Listen to the words of your love
shut your trap
and free the peace


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.