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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


From a Distance

I had a dream… after a long laboring day
Of rose petals falling as rain

Bloody red petals… falling softly at my feet
Filling the entire world with its fragrance so sweet

…Turning my vision crimson

Then the sun opened up its door
And from it marched angels making ready to soar

The clouds rolled open like an ancient scroll
Revealing verses written in ink of gold

Hearts were laid up on a pedestal
Mouths sang songs, celestial

In my ear rang a line of that golden verse
A line my heart was quick to rehearse

S P A D e S I E

drape a moment
cross this idling chest
I feel your tingle
you lick the tinge from
a curled lip
"Kiss my bullets baby"

I'll be your pocket of sorrow
if you'd hang your heart
from this worn sleeve

but you're a fortress
full of ghosts that greive


Too many graves, too many fields
filled with human failure's yields.
All those crosses in neat rows
where the dark green grass now grows.

Call them soldiers, call them men
each of them was someone's kin.
All were pawns in someone's game,
each death different yet the same.

They fought for politicians' ends
yet died on the behalf of friends,
meeting their fates in lands turned bloody,
giving all for their best buddy.

when I get old and senile

I've reached the conclusion that hairs have a seed
if not tackled early, then that's how they breed
like weeds, you can pull one right out by the root
but always it grows back, my chin is the proof

and I worry so much about it
it's probably why I'm thin
when I get old and senile
who's gonna pluck my chin?

I asked my son, John, to be sure that he did
if ever I went to a nursing home bed
he said that he would, 'though I do have a fancy
he only agreed to, to pacify me

Call It What You Will

field of dreams
first stroke of scythe
ideals shatter


frozen sunlight
piling to the sky
blinding vision


distance erased
mystery looms
fog lights look cool


clock watchers
and longevity
a living hell


lawn mower busted
dandelion jungle
straw and camel nightmares


twiddling and tweaking
experience forsaken
photographs are nice


sailing seven seas
midnight watch, flask of rum
dearth of scenery

surgeon’s dilemma

although he was seriously ill
the surgeon declined
to operate

but he adamantly insisted
I'm paying, he snarled...
who knows
when the dangling hour...
will come

post operation
he lay horizontal
while the world rotated him a time
around the sun

sooner than expected
… walking...

the young surgeon died
patient survived…
for over two decades

one’s mind has power
foreign to what is rational

what Life had me learn.

What life had me learn.
Living is never without lessons-regardless of vast resources no man can live in absolute isolation for long.
A sound education from the ivory tower is never solely academic wins excellence in academics promises but never guarantees-something more is required.

Her Shadow, in the Night

Within her eyes are starlight
and she held me with her glance,

the shadows formed her sillouette
don't think I ever had a chance.

The smokiness of her demeanor
feels like silk against my own,

yet the darkness of her mystery
soothed like the sweetest breeze that's blown.

So, I'll join her in her haziness
that surrounds my every care,

we'll share a time so intimate
it'll ward off all despair.

For, within her eyes are starlight
she held me tight, with but her gaze,


reveal purposeless bask
the sun is upon us

myriad hunters
for a spell
turn your face to the power
that gives us all

for the moment

go back after
to the dealer
the bitch
the informant line
that sucks the drives

riding waves of control
of power

dull savagery playing
knife tricks
oiling barrels

hook me up an IV of the good
baby and never stop the flow
I'll come alive the monster
and restore the flow



The simple things employ my brain,
those things that others trip on,
those moments that just happen unawares,
they're there presented 
and performed, 
not for us, 
not perhaps for anyone,
and yet when they're perceived they fill the mind, 
the universe,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.