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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Last Communique Of The Ultra-Apathetic Party

the world is in chaos

tribal wars
civil wars

these lines could have been written
on any day since man invented writing

a played out aspect
of the human condition
touching most lives
lighter than a free falling feather

any wonder so many tune out

you may call this denial
but, no, we are not denying
just ignoring
(now don't go on blathering about the connection
between ignor and ignorance,
or we'll never get out of here!)

Prodigal Past

looking backward
from a comfortable perch
my life wobbled wildly
on a self centered search

with dumpling brain
and mouth to match
I clumsied my way
on stumbumbling ass

brayed poly-syllabically
at steady bread folk
slobbered venemous opinions
at the tethered and yoked

now finally at rest
I mumble thanks to all
the stout level headed
who buffered my fall

these pillers of stability
salts of the earth
now keep me anchored
to a rock

Tanka (workshop)

Rivers of darkness

Flow silently underground

Released to sunshine

Nurturing all it touches

Let us rejoice it runs free......

Yours tounge in cheek Yenti

Awake, Aware....

Awake, Aware…

Inside the reality of reasonable reason,
I didn’t dream the dream I dreamt, I lived
a dream of dreams I dreamt. Or was
it that, dreams I dreamt were just dreams
about dreaming.

Included in these are all nightmarish hells,
wanton mysterious wavers of thought.
As nothing quietens a mind of raging swells,
while sailing nightly on the edge of fraught.

When The Moon

When the moon falls at daybreak
And gives in to the sun
To the dew of mornings breath
As it whispers from the wind
The birds will sing a song of joy
Revealing natures glow
The children play joyfully
For mothers work that's not done
The sun falls slowly back asleep
And gives in to the night
We smile a smile
We dream a dream
As day falls out of sight.

T U M U L S C E N C E > > C O N V U L S H U N Z

Harrow time
your spline splits
fertile dreams
ahead of rains you race
the dark of clouds
upon the beauty
of your tragic face

our room of ruin
where we threw
chagrins against
the wall and slammed
our hearts down
worn hall

this fain fall
gentle and perplexed
these tears for want
they taste the velvet
of your skin

and a halo of damp
upon the dark length
of hair
shines in this spotlight


Say it with a heavy heart;
a petal fell to the ground.

Her smile was broad,
her eyes stared wide,
her heart was quick and clean.

I could not wait.
I turned to flee,
and left a rose to die.

The wise ones wait,
but fools make haste
and follow the unlucky
to ruin.

I went out with
the wrong overcoat
and came back in
half-naked. Alone.

A cold wind blew
and I recovered
my sanity and
a wick of flame.

The Tragic End Of My Love Life

she left a note:

you're a mean ol' man
I ain't comin' home
you don't buy me no shoes

A No-Tell Motel

The strangest thing had happened when
I drove home last night from work,

I'd stopped for drinks, at a place called "Pink's";
the barkeep was kind of a jerk.

I was having a slightly "off" night
but possessed enough of my charms,

heart on my sleeve, but when I did leave;
I had a woman on both of my arms.

When I woke up in the morning
and the room just reeked of sex;

I now realize, and saw with both my eyes
I had remarried my obese "ex"!

Haiku Japanese Poetry Workshop

Haiku 1
Nightfall slow descend 
Tree branch twinkles in the light
Gibbous moon high

Haiku 2
Its dark dead and damp 
Where two frogs silently sits
Floating on a pond

Haiku 3
Riding a warm breeze
Coming from the fresh cut grass 
A deep breath taken

Haiku 4
From the mountains deep
Clouds spring forth from green foliage 
As the white mists rise


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