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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Poetry comes to me at night
When the whole world turns quiet

I have with me a pen...
A blank paper
My thoughts...
My heart...
And some cheap wafer

I start to cry;
I hear my mind

I weep because mostly I can’t seem to find

A way to make things better
To make my pains lesser

Then my tears begin to fill that plain white sheet


I'll blame it on tectonic plates
the kind which push the mountains higher
they move like rusty swinging gates.
In blaming them I am a liar.

Those cussed things also cause rifts
spreading valleys ever wider
as they go about their drifts
like some kind of great divider.

And all this motion's going faster
especially in these last few years
leading to personal disaster
and to vague unspoken fears.

The Fall

The Fall
I just fell from a precipice.... though not too high...
fell on the back of my flat head...
heavens saved me
you want to know why?
coz I have yet to compose poems
without a score
many will learn from me.....all the more

Two things in life are for certain




always come unannounced


It is all "Love"

It is a step ahead,
It is a walk forward,
It is a road all new,
It is a path I chose,
It is a journey that is slow,
It is a speed to know,
It is time all to remember,
It is a joyful environment to be,
It is a feeling to be with you,
It is a caress that changed me,
It is a word that pulled me to you,
It is all "Love".

The Journey

I hate this, I scolded my subconscious mind
This sense of detachment from reality, feeling hopeless
For the first time, I am not in control, powerless
After a few minutes of negativity and wallowing in self-pity
I told myself : Get over yourself, It’s not worth it

I took a deep breath

I took an imaginary ride to my inner self
A place I always go, that corner in the depths of my being
My heart and its quiet desperation for freedom, to live beyond conventionalism
Does not help either

No corruption in our bones

In piss and shit and filth we grovel deep
Our masters grin so smugly at our plight
So helpless we abase ourselves in sleep
Yet knowing that there is a way to fight

On Wall Street and each other sign of wealth
Our presence can’t be lied away as mad
There is no longer any need for stealth
The fight is a political jihad

No mercy for corrupt and greedy pricks
Their time has come and changes start to show
we will not fall for trickle down’s last tricks
the bosses will be struck a deadly blow

The Centre

The I at the centre of my universe
is mentally, physically so unaware
that multiple sentience, widely diverse
with manifold centres of I's, with me share

through various insights accorded to all
the wonders of manifest here for the soul
The better for digest and easy recall
the singular works are removed from the whole

The entire universe splintered and vibrant
decoded by infinite angles of view
examined by limitless sense, endless agents
and never one single I really accrues


We have become a people who turn their
Backs on their own in need
Beggars' they are, pay them no heed

Even the animals have more compassion
Why should we bother if no one's there
to hear their cries of hunger and fear?

If you listen closely, you will hear
the sounds of a dying society
We are reaching the point of calamity

Remember well that mercy shown shall be mercy owned
Take care, take care

C R A C K E R .. J A C K E D

hump the kisses
the cream you butter
from rancid dreams

and that snarl pulled
like Lucifers loose button
at your crotch

steamy metaphors shoving
limbed wheeled tracks
all those whom became

swallow your fucking pride you
pointing the automatic
against my temple
how I worshipped
the cracker jack treat
the brokeness under the
heel of night


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.