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Beyond Shangri-La, (edit repost)

The dream of Shangri-la
Seems insane to me
I could not live in a place
That was void
Of war and hate.

I need the day to day
Rat race
So I can battle back,
feeling the pull and tug
Of my own fate.

To sit there,
just contemplate
With people who mentally
Are in the same place
Without life’s full plate.

Is it possible
To be polite everyday
sing and dance
have no cares
Knowing that there’s
Pain out there.



Train is slow,
Day is dawning-
Feeling low,
Can't stop yawning-
Four o'clock,
And I'm still up:
Christmas morning...

Dark ringed eyes,
Didn't sleep now-
Quick good-byes,
I could weep now-
God, it's cold!
And I'm told
It's Christmas morning...


He dodges labels, left and right
avoiding  conformity, 
with every fibre. 

He rails against authority,
sticks two fingers up at society,
he has autonomy.

 A member of humanity,
longing to lose his membership.
He craves freedom from the insanity.

A member of humanity,
but not just another statistic
He craves his right for anonymity

You won't pin him down 
he is elusive.
He is an anarchist.

A solitary soul,
a misfit by design.
He is anti conventional strife.    

On a dark night
With snowy clouds
Dancing round
My windowpane.
I sat all by myself.

I heard a sound
Just out front
That made me bolt
Right to my door

The sound I heard
Was crushing snow
Nevertheless, who could it be?
When it was cold
Out there

I slowly crept
And put one eye
On my peep hole
To my surprise
There was a vagabond
Just outside

I thought,
What if I opened
My door
Will fear scare
Us both
What the hell
It is Christmas Eve

Look at me! ...

I'll be back to see you
I'll be back if I can
I"ll be back to see you
You know that's how I am

I'll want to let you know...
There is nothing to fear
And... I love you so
I will always be near

I haven't gone away from you
Look around, remember and see
See it now... I'm here with you
The world was a wonder to me

I wanted to see the best in man
I was cynical... I ever would
I laughed, I cried at stupid things
No one let me love... like you could



I live alone since she left
Nothing replaces what I had
Always had a glint in her eye
Christmas is a time to be sad

I moved away to start again
But nothing helps me to forget
Upon her face always a smile
Christmas, a day full of regret

Without fail it comes every year
And I'm supposed to give good cheer
A lousy tree and pathetic lights
A dark winter full of freezing nights


In case some don't remember Bernstein is the mathematician who came up with Bernstein's Postulate which states simply : Murphy Was An Optimist......................

Bernstein is Jewish you know
but observes Christmas even so
decorates his house real festive
on Christmas eve his kids are restive

Well, before last Christmas eve
he asked what they'd like to receive
his wife and little lads and lasses
( hoping for toys or cheap sun glasses )

It's Christmas!!

the nights were now filled by wonderful carols
and in homes and backyards,hanging were lanterns..
people searching for gifts in evening stalls..
evenings driven by the singing choirs...

theaters staging reenactment plays,
children playing on snow-filled grass..
people counting twenty-five days...
and the breeze getting colder - It's Christmas!!!

Proverbs of faith

As sweet honeycomb
Pleasant words heal the spirit
Refreshing the soul.

An old proverb re-vamped.



For you, my love, this Christmas time,
I only have this simple rhyme.
Though you, my love, deserve much more,
(You are the one that I adore)

If all the skies were empty; black,
No moon or stars to light your track,
Then I could set some sparkling stars
To light your way where 'ere you are.

And following your paths you'd see...
That every one leads back to me.


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