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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Oh! Woman!

Lovely find
You have achieved
Which for centuries
Others have deceived
Your find helps people grind
Your love you share
Leaves others in despair

How is it you found about it?
That which others
Have been searching
All life gone by
The forests of ignorance
How could you succeed so early?

Your search
Do share with me
For ever since
I’ve been born
I’ve been
In an everlasting
Scalding lurch
In search of my search!

Blending The Scent That Lingers On

Let’s start with a long lasting base note
Romantic rose would be nice
A few drops of cinnamon would add a little spice.

Blend until completely satisfied
May I politely suggest
Add a lively hint of orange for a tangy zest.

Try a touch of bouncy lemongrass
Or vivacious sunny lime
And balance with the goodness of lavender or thyme.

Mix two point five ounces of vodka
And be sure to get this right
If you get it wrong you’ll spoil the balance overnight.


the donut shop is closed
he sits on the doorstep
and he waits

what kind of a man does that

is he slow, like dumb
or simply wise in patience and purpose

a pitiful lost soul
or deeply grounded in self-understanding

is his mind a'grumble
or in the blissful glow of anticipation

the donut shop is closed
he sits on the doorstep
and he waits

New Lovers At Saturday's Soup Kitchen

They are new lovers
swept into that strange intensity
of sudden pleasure's fumbling delight,
where eagerness and want make mind reject
all proprieties of limit
and urgency demands both touch
and captivation.

ice blue eyes

I never knew her name
I saw her for a moment,
in a crowd~
her face lost but my memory
of it

I consider what
happens to her,

ice blue eyes
shining like
a new robin’s egg

I saw her once
it may have
been a

what else
ice blue


Sweet Torture

Nuclear melt down, 
Stark raving lunacy.

Limbs shake with seismic
Body craves you, like heroin.
You'll be the end of mortality,
I can't release you, need to,
Rap myself around you.

On the edge  of a precipice,
And I want to fall.
Sweet torture .

Why Do I Love You

Why do I love you,
When all you bring is pain,
If I stay with you any longer,
I know I'll go insane.

But I can not imagine my life,
With out you by my side,
My complete and total devotion,
Is something I can not hide.

Your lies flow like a river,
A never ending stream,
I wish I just could wake,
From this terrible, terrible dream.

Your words are like daggers,
With a fatally stabbing blade,
With each awful thing you say,
I feel my life force fade.

hair in the wind


Brown in the sun
of the midday born
Silken strands
of crested corn

sparks light the sky
brilliant welder's flash
jewel in disguise
jouster's winning prize.

Jack was nimble
he was quick
but he's not taking
that candlestick.

All the queen's horses
and all the queen's men
run their own courses
then run them again.



This is the wurst poem ever writ
it has no rhyme, the meter's sh@ t
well maybe it has one lone rhyme
but it's hardly worth your time

I don't know what the intent is
message as clear as soda fizz
mizpelling and tipos by the duzzen
as purty as an old maid cuzzin

You can relax I'm almost finished
is there such a word as ginnished ?
go on back to having fun
this monstrosity is finally done

Trade Winds

trade winds scraped the sea
churning the cauldron of life
and now, under and deep,
life is thriving, and rife

trade winds soaked the sky
in brigades of rain filled storms
and now, well watered, the land is strewn
with creatures of many forms

trade winds filled the sails
that pushed the horizons of man
and now, man is more than he was
befor his journeys began

trade winds delivered us
to our final berth
now, the connection between wind and life
... is forgotten, if not cursed


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.