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Oh! Connoisseurs of Love MODIFIED


At your teenage
You must do more
Than you say
you’d do
In a life time...

Teenage comes just once
That’s why
Though grown in age
I’m still,
in teenage

Have some fun
Your life has just begun,
My teen age
Is still in rage
Even at my physical stage.

Unknown Poet

Just A Little Cold...

A tormented twist of blankets, and sodden sheets
Head pounding, body hurting, knees and chin meet
The cramps of my bowels, drive me to cry
I see nightmares of dying, in my mind's eye

This condition is something I got for free
Though I didn't ask, it was given to me
Someone thought, that they should pass it on gratis
If I knew who it was, I'd kick their asses

Oh, "Mister Whiskers!"

Oh, "Mister Whiskers!"
you're funny, tonight
you're quite a picture
and, quite a sight!

You play with the, big cats
and, play by yourself,
you see, invisible gnats
like some feline, "elf"!

You scamper, around
and, scurrie away,
with each, little sound
you're finding, new prey!

You take off, so fast
it doesn't, seem fair,
where your tail, 'twas, last
now, it's no longer there!

Mountain Cattle

Let me explain the title -

Mountain cattle = Highland cows
Scottish vernacular; cow = coo
Coos on mountain side = high coos

Fresh snowdrops shiver.
North wind rages at new growth;
Not yet time for spring.


I’m chirpy , blessed and blithe,
Glad to be alive.
I smile all day long.

Even whistle a little tune, sing a song
since I met you,
I’m so happy you came along

I’m convivial, I feel high,
I gaze out of my window.
birds sing in the trees

Life is just the bees knees,
It’s the proverbial bowl of cherries.
It’s pure heaven.

But then I wake up,and realise
im in Purgatory,
standing at the gates of Hell.

My calm is like the calm before the storm

My calm is like the calm before the storm
Instead of anxiously bracing up for the mourn
There is no storm for me weather
Regurgitated debris ended my tether

My content is nothing grand
It’s just the way I take my stand
To endure the fiery test
Burning in my very chest

I shed not a tear
About the things I hear
The unthinkable is upon me
So there’s no need to beg or plea

The Beat

Rain pounds the beat
of my scarred heart
The rain displays
so many mistakes

I watch in horror
as water turns to grief
The beat accelerates
brings my heart along

Millions of hearts shattering tales
dance with such grace
in the tribal rain
Water rises

Tribal drums keeping time
as water tumbles down
Each drop bringing more blood
Each scene makes me gasp for air

Blood, Tears, and Heart ache
All dancing in the rain
churning in a pit of hate
Drums stop, Good bye

I Have Chosen A Life

I have chosen a life
Far more than reasons to believe
What dissidence would call
A wandering bitterness
And emptiness.

I have said the words much
With mumblings and groans from the mouth
Of my salutation.
God have mercy on my soul
And lukewarm form.


War clouds are gathering and covering the sun-
War clouds, collecting one by one;
And, though they may avert a battle in a distant sea,
Still, war clouds a-gather, oh together, over me

War clouds are gathering and filling up the sky:
War clouds that darken by and by…
Out in the wilderness, young girls must lose their lives
At the altar of the sanctimonious Sacrifice of Wives,
At the Martyrdom of Motherhood, ensnared in webs and lies…

Maiden Voyage

Like wind billowing the sails
your breath fills my lungs

sailing on passionate waves
we discover that virgin Island
where wild fruits
ripened in desire
wait to be plucked
by our hungry fingers
to stoke the fire in our loins
with their nectars
till the seeds are released
in wild abandon

we wake
with gentle waves lapping
at our moorings
ready to sail once again
to yet another sanctuary
inhaling lung fulls
of your seducing breath...


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