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brush the rain
that draws
the light
in beads

the steam
on the glass

radiator growling
and the television
fills the emptiness
and chases
darkness into corners
and under beds

I wait forever
for tommorrow
and falter in ruins
I have cast

and I think of
the cedarline
cold rains
that fell

and where you
are in memory
and in my heart
where you dwell

Winter Oaks

The undressed oaks of winter
Stretch their fingers to the sky,
Contemplating autumn's end,
And sharing silent wintry cries.

Brown leaves have faded to the ground
And back again to dust,
Breaking underneath my feet,
Veiled beneath the frosty crust.

They stand helpless in the bitter cold,
Some bent from ancient storms,
Keeping watch in winter's twilight,
These majestic, dormant forms.

Polemic Senryu


but you started it
yes of course I did my friend
I always do.


Golden Locks

 Inspired by the Norse Myth: Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought mischief in Asgard. (compilation: The children of Odin Padraic Colum 1920) Source: Sacred Texts Archives @  Many different compilations to choose from, great resource for inspiration. Kat                            

Those Blasted Jeans

Those Blasted Jeans

Who so ever invented jeans
For women
Had never had one
The whole day
They now compare the gait
Some have even outdone men
When they capture powers
Man feels with undone zippers,
Like they appear out in the open

But as the sun decides to wrap up,
Come the gals home
That’s when about them
Guys, hubby’s, boyfriends roam.

Down with the jeans they say,
Come let’s play
That’s the only way
They can their manliness display


Each instance of existence
is the truth of my reality,
fleeting moments riding high
on spreading waves of past
into all futures.

I am not made of past,
for as new moments
turn to then, it dies;
I am not future,
nebulous, undreamed of
by new choices not yet made;
I am neither then nor when,

I am this now,
immediate in present,
a life upon the cresting apex:
behind me, withered and forgotten past,
before, bright chaos undefiled by choice...

Teddy Bear

White bed within four white walls
Tied to it or else she falls
Greenish robe, white wisps of hair
« Have you seen my teddy bear?»

Fed by tube and countless pills
None alleviate her ills
With slurred speech and vacant stare
« Please bring me my teddy bear »

« Enough of these diagnostics
My conditions you can’t fix
He should be right over there
My best friend, my teddy bear »

« Saw him just the other day
He should not be far away
Did you look well, everywhere?
For my darling teddy bear? »


bend but the resistance
so strong like a wave
tears at this

and years are shearing

the faucet gathers
the bright clear pearl
I am the grit
your nascent being

I was
a gift

tossed in the breakers
I was lost
on moonbathed

Heaven Knows, No one Knows

Heaven Knows, No one Knows

No, no one really knows,
Any poetry
But they all,
Including me,
Consider having the genes,
Of an unknown

So I compose and say
Read, read,
Don’t read,
Don’t read
But I shall hence not plead,
So you may do like wise
Move on,
Be a passer by like me
Who knows fuck all of poetry?
Can you now see?
The difference
Between you and me



I didn’t want to hurt you
I never meant for you to grieve
I'm sorry that I made you cry
It wasn’t you I had to leave

I had no time to say good bye
My pain severe and so, so real
I simply didn’t have a choice
So this end, I had to steal

I had to stop bloodcurdling screams
Haunting me each day and night
Tormenting me through all my dreams
Poisoning my strength to fight

Just remember that I love you
And forever I will be
Standing right beside you
Forgive me, my destiny


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