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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Balls of pink and blue
heavy heads flop gracefully
grass blades your pillow.

After war there is another war

Silently empathy regains
all that was lost
during the Dorian wars.

Dead, naked soldiers rise
from sullen graves
with new expectation.

Grass stunned with winter
regains green and water
for just a second.

Just before ominous horns
anew sound bleak military attack
and pale weakness run red.

Emotional Rescue...

The flames of justice burn in his heart, and heat his fevered brow
Killer's senses are tuned to the max, he ain't giving up now
He will find the perpetrator, the cops can't bring to bay
The nasty freak, the pervert, that struck just yesterday

The little girl that didn't know, not to go with the smiling man
When he said; "Hey come find my dog, we can look from in my van"
Terrible things were done to her, her body tortured and broken
Things that shouldn't happen, that were better left unspoken

Nothing in the Night

We are a waning gibbous
To become nothing in the night,
By orbit darkness worn
Until a shadowed smudge
With no further rounds to come.

Smudge to smudge,
Dusk to dusk,

First and last flight...

Mr Spock drags it out of me…

Captain’s Log star date 23 June 2154. 21.17 hours.

Well sir you said this was “your” Enterprise, these words…will haunt me.

Arrived late for warp speed flight,
Been gambling and relaxing below deck.
What greeted me was an awful sight,
the crew intoxicated, flight room was a wreck.
Told Scotty we needed more power,
he answered that the engine had burst.
From this I concluded that now this hour,
would be spent sobering up Scotty at his worst.

"Humanity Fall"

Sons of the planets collide with the sky,
some meet with the ozone, they burn up and die.

Looking up to the heavens with emerald eyes,
watching as the world ignites and dries.
The grass was once green now turned to sand,
a hole in the earth leaves no life in the land.

First with a scream, then a quiet mumble,
I sit on a hill and witness cities turned rubble.

No more animals alive in the wild,
no more people all is defiled.
Now only whispers speak to our soul,
everything gone, the Titan took toll.


Some poems are square but others are round
Some weave in out and around
They tend to go places that are cool and unique
And reading your poems sure is a treat
They make me laugh and joke and smile
Others make me cry for a while
All are beautiful in their own way
So if your a poet, hear what i say
You are unique special and loved
And all of the norm, you rise above.

Vivacious: Libra Gal

Vivacious: Libra Gal

You are the one to allure,
Attract, appeal and amaze,
You grab attention of all,
Beautifully and bubbling
You are indeed charming,
Credible as per you, not me,
Congenial too as per you
You catch the eye
Of excellent folks
Who vie for you?
Exquisite, extraordinary is
Your elegant and energetic style,
I gape all my while.
Fantastic and fabulous,
Funny fabulous and friendly too,
Full of life are you.


slip against me
cold as the dark
climbing like a rush
against the spark of

you want to cut me
thin with your blade
smile and startle
me with the feral
charm of beguiling

the angel mouth
sculpted in thought
applying blush
with the sable brush


Now as you reach that final summit
preparing for that long last plummet
don't let me look into your eyes
and see that which you despise.

You've always scorned defeat in others
be they cousins, friends or brothers,
surrender's never been your way
even on your darkest day.

Keep your vision fierce and bright
remaining on pedestal's height.
Too soon the time of rest arrives
matters not how hard one strives.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.